Aerodesign Desenvolvimentos Aeronáuticos Ltda

Rua Nicarágua, 39 - 5ºandar - Sion
CEP 30.320-050 - Belo Horizonte (MG)
Phone (031) 285.2657

PEGASUS Technical specifications

wing span32 ft stall velocity33/35 mph
total length21 ft manouvering velocity-Va66/70 mph
wing surface167 ft glide velocity55/58 mph
aerodynamic mean chord5.2 ft cruise velocity (85% Power)100/110 mph
cabin width42 in maximum velocity110/120 mph
number of seats2, side by side never exceed velocity140 mph
empty weight590 to 660 Lbs climb rate600/900 fpm
maximum gross weight1100 Lb glide ratio12:1
usefull load (including the fuel)507 Lb take-off distance200/280 ft
fuel capacity24 gal. landing distance200/250 ft
available enginesROTAX 582 or 912 flight endurance6 hours
construction characteristicswings: aluminum alloy 2024T3 structure maximum range600/900 NM
fuselage, tail, ailerons, flaps and main gearcomposite materials and processes load factors: operational limits / structural limits+4, -2g
+6, -3g

© 1998 Cláudio Amaral