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Links to other sites

Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce (FIUV)
The international federation of Una Voce societies
The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales
Our sister organisation in England and Wales. Their website has invaluable resources for priests and laity on the Traditional Mass. Their website also has, from time to time, details of training courses for young priests wishing to learn about the Traditional Latin Mass.
The Latin Mass Society of Ireland
Our sister organisation in Ireland
The Bishops' Conference
The Bishops' Conference of Scotland
Rorate Caeli
Catholic international news including information relating to the recent Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, issued on 7 July 2007.
The Vatican
The website of the Holy See
Southwell Books
This bookshop is an invaluable resource for those seeking missals, prayer books and other resources.
The Catholic Parliamentary Office
This gives up to date news on activities and legislation in the Scottish Parliament from a Catholic perspective.
Open Office free software
Open Office presents a free alternative to Microsoft Office. Open Office's word processor, called "Writer" is able to read "Word" documents as well as "Writer" documents. Open Office also has its own spreadsheet called "Calc", which is an alternative to Microsoft's "Excel". The Open Office suite can work on both "Windows" and "Linux" systems.

Articles on "Wikipedia", the web encyclopaedia

(Please note: Una Voce Scotland does not necessarily agree with the content of Wikipedia articles and if you are knowledgeable about the subject please do correct any errors in the following articles)

The Traditional Latin Mass (encyclopaedia article)
The Roman Catholic Church (encyclopaedia article)
Eric de Saventhem (biographical encyclopaedia article)
Michael Davies (biographical encyclopaedia article)
Summorum Pontificum