Get Off the Track!
-  Songs of the Hutchinsons  -

Hutchinson Family Singers Web Site

Ho! the car, Emancipation,
Rides majestic thro' our nation
Bearing on its train, the story
Liberty! a nation's glory.
Roll it along! Roll it along!
Roll it along! thro' the nation
Freedom's car, Emancipation
Roll it along! Roll it along!
Roll it along! thro' the nation
Freedom's car, Emancipation.

First of all the train, and greater,
Speeds the dauntless Liberator
Onward cheered amid hosannas,
And the waving of free banners.
Roll it along! Roll it along!
Roll it along! spread your banners
While the people shout hosannas.

Men of various predilections,
Frightened, run in all directions;
Merchants, editors, physicians,
Lawyers, priests and politicians.
Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
Get out of the way! every station,
Clear the track of 'mancipation.

Let the ministers and churches
Leave behind sectarian lurches;
Jump on board the car of freedom
Ere it be too late to need them.
Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm!
Sound the alarm! pulpit's thunder!
Ere too late, you see your blunder.

Politicians gazed, astounded,
When, at first our bell resounded:
Freight trains are coming, tell these foxes,
With our votes and ballot boxes.
Jump for your lives! Jump for your lives!
Jump for your lives! politicians,
From your dangerous false positions.

Rail roads to emancipation
Cannot rest on Clay foundation
And the tracks of 'The Magician'
Are but rail roads to perdition.
Pull up the rails! Pull up the rails!
Pull up the rails! Emancipation
Cannot rest on such foundation.

All true friends of emancipation,
Haste to freedom's rail road station;
Quick into the cars get seated,
All is ready, and completed.
Put on the steam! Put on the steam!
Put on the steam! All are crying,
And the liberty flags are flying.

Now, again the bell is tolling,
Soon you'll see the car wheels rolling;
Hinder not their destination,
Chartered for emancipation.
Wood up the fire! Wood up the fire!
Wood up the fire! keep it flashing,
While the train goes onward dashing.

Hear the mighty car wheels humming!
Now look out! the engine's coming!
Church and statesmen! hear the thunder!
Clear the track! or you'll fall under.
Get off the track! Get off the track!
Get off the track! all are singing,
While the liberty bell is ringing.

On triumphant, see them bearing,
Through sectarian rubbish tearing;
Th' bell and whistle and the steaming,
Startles thousands from their dreaming.
Look out for the cars! Look out for the cars!
Look out for the cars! while the bell rings,
Ere the sound your funeral knell rings.

See the people run to meet us;
At the depots thousands greet us;
All take seats with exultation,
In the car, Emancipation.
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!
Huzza! Huzza! Emancipation
Soon will bless our happy nation.

Huzza! Huzza!! Huzza!!!

Hutchinson Family

Jesse Hutchinson, Jr. "Get Off the Track!: A Song for Emancipation." Lyrics: Jesse Hutchinson, Jr. Tune: "Old Dan Tucker." Boston: Published by the author. 1844.

[earliest Hutchinson Family publicity likeness]
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Notes copyright © 2002 by Alan Lewis.
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John Hutchinson, John Wallace Hutchinson, John W Hutchinson, NEMS, New England Music Scrapbook, Nathaniel Rogers, Nathaniel Peabody Rogers, Nathaniel P Rogers, N P Rogers. Get Off the Track!