Chapter 1

Taylor was lying on his queen size hotel bed, tossing and turning. He couldn't sleep. Too many questions were preventing him from having a normal night. He had to tell them. He just had to. But when? where? how? who?

Zac turned to sleep on his side. His eyes opened for a second and slowly registered what he was seeing...Taylor was...Taylor was crying.

He whispered so to not wake up Ike who had been snoring loudly for the past hour, which meant he was deeply asleep. "Tay, are you okay man?" He waited for Taylor's answer but nothing was heard. So he decided to ask again. Maybe Taylor hadn't heard him. "Tay, is everything all right?"...little breaths could be heard from Taylor's bed which meant he had heard and was now trying to calm down. Zac knew he had to do something. He slowly got up, walked to the bed on the other side of the room which was occupied by Taylor, lifted the covers and lied down right beside his big bro. Taylor turned around so he was facing Zac and when he was about to reveal his biggest secret, he started crying again. This wasn't at all like Taylor, Zac thought. He never saw Taylor crying like this before. He gently lifted a loose lock of his hair to put it back in it's appropriate place, behind his ear. He could now see his brothers eyes....he'd never noticed before how tired and worn out he looked. Something was definetely up with Taylor. He pulled his brother closer to him, wrapped his strong arms around his brother and waited for Taylor to have a normal breathing again.

**2 hours later**

Taylor had finally fallen asleep. But now, Zac was too worried about his Taybear to drift back to dreamland. He spent the rest of the night thinking about what to do to help him. He had to find a way to talk to him before he would do something bad to himself.

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