episode 39, Showdown at Hell City

(first the opeaning song starts)

Ash: gee this city sure is deserted looking

Brock: ya i see were the hell is everyone?

Misty: damnet this creeps me out

Kid: *outside playing* yay wee

Mom: get inside son theres pokemon trainers comming

Ash: HEY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT were not gonna hurt you (kids from above the houses start throwing rocks at them)

Misty: what the hell

Ash: Pikachu shock those damn kids will ya

Pikachu: pika chuuu (jumps from of Ash's shoulder and shocks thge kids making them fall off the houses onto the ground, don't worry it was just a few feet so no one got badly hurt)

Ash: what the hell is wrong with you kids?

Man: listen i don't want any trouble just come to my resturant foods on me just don't hurt those kids

Ash: uh thanks but what's going on?

Man: arn't you part of the Yas or Kas gyms?

Ash: never herd of them

Man: you haven't herd of them well basically they are to gyms that want to be registered but only one will for this town and so they each hire trainers to help them fight

Ash: Pikachu be sure to put some ketchup on that food it tastes great with a little on it

Pikachu: pika pika (ends up putting too much on the food) pika pika

Man: oh crap look (they all look out and see to grouyps of people in different outfits comming out facing each other then two people with red shirts that say "Kas" come in)

Ash: Team Rocket

Jessie: ya thats right and now give us some food old man

Man: i'm afraid i can't

Jessie: well why the hell not?

Man: well the Kas gym hasn't paid in 2 mounths so until you guys pay i will not serve any more food for you guys

James: you don't know who your messing with do you?

Jessie: To prevent world destruction

James: To protect world peace

Jessie: We hold the evils of love and truth

James: We’re lovely people

Jessie: Jessie

James: James

Jessie: Wagering the galaxy we're Team Rocket

James: A white hall we're waiting for a white tomorrow!

Meowth: that's right

Jessie: Arbok go

James: Weezing come on out

Arbok: chabok

Weezing: weezing weeze

Ash: go Pikachu

Pikachu: pika

Misty: Starme go

Starme: meee

Brock: Vulpix go

Ash and Misty: Vulpix?

Vulpix: vul pix

Brock: Vulpix fire spin

Vulpix: vullll (Vulpix unleashes a huge ball of fire on Arbok and Weezing and they start burning up in flames)

Jessie: Arbok return

James: you to Weezing

Jessie: damn you kids (they run off)

meanwhile outside

Yas leader: Scyther go

Scyther: scyther scy

Kas leader: Electabuzz come out

Electabuzz: buzz buzz

Kas leader: Electabuzz thunder shock on them

Electabuzz: Buzz (Electabuzz shocks the other trainers giving them a shock)

Yas leader: oh yeah Scyther furry swipes

Scyther: scy (Scyther slashes random Kas trainers causing them to have blood come right out form them and then them nearly fainting from unconciousnes then soon after trainers from both sides send out their pokemon which start fighting and blood goes flying)

back inside

Female Yas trainer: excuse me but you guys are pretty damn tough we must have you join us on the Yas team those were some of the toughest body guards from the Kas team and you beat them with ease please give me your names

Ash: my name is...

Misty: *whispering* Ash listen if we give them our real names then we could look realy bad for the pokemon league

Ash: *whispering back* good point *ends whispering* my name is uhh (looks at Pikachu with his ketchup bottle) Tom Ato (sorry guys not sure what it origonally was this is just from the dubs name)

Misty: and i'm Sue Shi (not sure what it realy was but more likely origonal name then Ann Chovy)

Brock: and i'm Ram Inn (another guess baced on japanese food) and may i say that we should have sex

Female Yas Trainer: you are a pervert but anyway the Yas gym is worthy of being the gym and we need to get all the help we can

Brock: well we would love to help you out

Female Yas trainer: then come with me (they head outside were the fight has ended and all thats left is lots of blood on the flour and some dead bodies from both people and pokemon and they go inside) sir i have found some strong trainers who beat some of the toughest body guards of the Kas team with ease

Leader: oh realy well then we'll see how tough they are Scyther attatc the trainers Pikachu

Scyther: scyther (he come charging at pikachu who by the way still has that ketchup bottle in his hand)

Pikachu: pika (jumps up in the air avoiding Scythers attack then while landing hits Scyther in the with his ketchup bottle which for the record is made of glass causing it to break on Scythers head and causing both blood and ketchup to splater all over the place and getting some glass in Scythers eyes making him see red from the blood comming out)

Scyther: scyther (starts spining around then charges at his own trainer)

Leader: ohh no Scyther return, you are a very strong trainer i must have you join us Tom Ato you see being a gym leader makes a lot of money and with your help i will be able to get rich

Ash: well if thats your reason then my answer is no

Leader: then that means you are my enemy trainers send out your pokemon

(random pokemon names then the word go)

Ash: aah

Misty: common lets get the hell outta here (they some how escape)

Ash: wow that was easer then i thought

Brock: yes i wonder why

Ash: do you think it was the ketchup?

Man from the resturant: (running out) are you guys alright?

Ash: ya but why did Scyther go crazy after Pikachu hit Scyther with the ketchup bottle?

Man: thats because pokemon like Scyther and Electabuzz are sensitive to the color red

Ash: then there may be a way to beat them

Misty: how?

Ash: all we need to do is with the help of the kids have us all get on the roofs and dump red paint on the leaders then their pokemon will attack them

Misty: ya good idea (they all gather the kids up and get redy to dump paint on them the next time theres a street battle)

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