episode 20, Bye-Bye Butterfree

(first the opeaning song starts)

Ash: damnet
Misty: what is it Ash?
Ash: just look at that high cliff how the hell do we get past it?
Brock: well acording to this map if we go through the ridge it will take us right to Saffron City
Ash: and another gym
Brock: right
Ash: hey look (sees in the sky a bunch of Butterfree) a bunch of Butterfree
Brock: thats because it's mating season for them, so they get together and find a mate to have sex with, then once they lay their eggs they then die
Ash: wow that sure is a fun way to die right after sex
Brock: i aggree completly
Misty: PERVERTS (hits them both in the head)
Brock: ouch
Ash: why the hell did you do that for?
Misty: hmp you had it comming
Ash: whatever, hey i should let out my Butterfree as well, Butterfree go
Butterfree: reee
Brock: Ash, lets go rent a hot air balloon to see what's going on
Ash: good idea (they go up in one and watch Butterfree try to find a mate)
Butterfree: (looking for a mate) ree, ree, ree (finds a pink Butterfree and gets all excited) ree ree reee
Ash: good job Butterfree now you know what to do now right?
Butterfree: ree ree (nods yes)
Ash: good job
Misty: and what might that something be?
Ash: you'll see
Misty: i hope it isn't what i think it might be
Butterfree: (goes up to the pink Butterfree) ree ree ree (will you have sex with me?)
pink Butterfree: reeee (no way pervert)(she then slaps him and flies off)
Ash: good job Butterfree she wants you now
Misty: no she dosen't she now wants Butterfree to go away
Ash: don't listen to what Misty is saying that pink Butterfree is just playing hard to get realy
Butterfree: ree ree (flies off)
Ash: damnet, come back Butterfree
Brock: lets land this thing so we can find Butterfree he seemed depressed (they land and start looking)
Pikachu: pika (points to the left were Butterfree is on a rock looking extremly upset)
Ash: Butterfree
Brock: aww i know how you feel Butterfree, i should write a book about how not to get others to have sex with you
Misty: in other words it would be your autobiography
Brock: way to make my life sound good
Ash: so now how the hell do we get that pink Butterfree to have sex with my Butterfree?
Misty: Ash you dumbass you have to get them to like you first then after some time they will mabey have sex with you
Ash: WHAT it takes that much time?
Misty: thats right now Butterfree i have something that might help you (pulls out a ribbon and ties it around his neck)
Ash: it look good on ya Butterfree now lets get back and get that pink Butterfree to have sex with you
Butterfree: ree ree (they go back up and Butterfree finds the pink Butterfree again)
Ash: hey Butterfree try showing her your Whirlwind and Tackle attacks
Butterfree: ree ree ree (starts showing off his attacks but it does nothing and the pink Butterfree starts o go tward some other Butterfree)
Ash: Butterfree (Butterfree goes back over to the balloon all upset again)
Misty: oh no look (sees a helicopter that says "Team Rocket" on it comming their way)
Ash: what the hell do you bastards want this time Team Rocket?
Jessie: Ha Ha Ha If anyone asks us this or that,
James: The answer we'll give is society's sympathy,
Jessie: To prevent world destruction
James: To protect world peace
Jessie: We hold the evils of love and truth
James: We're lovely people
Jessie: Jessie
James: James
Jessie: Wagering the galaxy we're Team Rocket
James: A white hall we're waiting for a white tomorrow!
Meowth: that's right
Jessie: now onto the plan (Jessie pushes a button and a net comes out grabing all the Butterfree except Ash's)
Ash: hey let those Butterfree go
Butterfree (ash's): ree (rries to break the net open but it does nothing)
Ash: i know Pidgeotto go... (Misty grabs the hand Ash is holding the pokeball with Pidgeotto inside)
Misty: no Ash if you do that Butterfree will be devastated
pink Buttrefree: reee reeeee (help me Butterfree) (the helicopter with the net hanging out flies away and Ash's Butterfree follows)
Ash: quick lets go (they catch up and find Butterfree who shows them were Team Rocket has their stash of Butterfree) lets go
all three: hee hee hee
Jessie: with this were sure to get a promotion
Meouth: and then i'll be the top cat again (the window breaks)
Jessie: what the hell is going on?
Misty: If anyone asks us this or that,
Ash: The answer we'll give is society's sympathy,
Brock: To prevent world destruction
Misty: To protect world peace
Ash: We hold the evils of love and truth
Misty: We're lovely people
Ash: Ash
Brock: Brock
Misty: and don't forget Misty
Ash: Wagering the galaxy we're Team Rocket
Brock: A white hall we're waiting for a white tomorrow!
Pikachu: pi pikachu
James: how dare you make fun of our motto
Jessie: oh no look (they see Ash's Butterfree Tackling the glass that is holding the other Butterfree)
Ash: a little harder
Butterfree: reeeee (starts to glow then hits it once more and it breaks and all the Butterfree come out)
Jessie: quick we got to get them back
Ash: i don't think so Pikachu Thunder Shock
Pikachu: pika chuuuuu (shocks Team Rocket and they get sent flying off)
Team Rocket: YANA KANJI!!!
Pink Butterfree: ree ree (goes over to Ash's Butterfree and hugs him)
Ash: well it looks like you got her
Butterfree: ree (they all go back to outside)
Ash: well Butterfree i guess this means goodbye
Butterfree: ree reee
Ash: pink Butterfree please take good care of my Butterfree i raised him well
pink Butterfree: ree ree (nods yes and they go)
Ash: good bye Butterfree i'll miss you (a flashback starts and the following music starts)
Mezase Pokemon Master
after the flashback and music end
Pikachu: pi pi pi (they wave good bye while all the Butterfree become smaller and smaller then dissapper)
Ash: i hope we see each other again someday

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