Growing Up in the Eyes of Jehovah
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Being a mother is like being a life-long student. You learn so many new things every day and you never stop learning. The key is to appreciate what you learn.

I have learned...

  1. ... love at first sight is possible
  2. ... the true meaning of unconditional love
  3. ... the lack of sleep, the constant worrying and the frustration is all worth it when I see a beautiful toothless smiler
  4. ... just how well I can function on 1 1/2 hours sleep
  5. ... having a baby is a great diet plan because I never has time to eat.
  6. ... diapers are EXPENSIVE
  7. ... how sleeping is now a luxury
  8. ... how showering is now a luxury
  9. ... how hard it is to put down a sleeping baby because cuddling just feels so good
  10. ... the power behind projectile poops
  11. ... how adorable baby farts, sneezes and snores are
  12. ... listening to a baby cry is harder to do than going to the dentist
  13. ... just how much life can be wrapped up in another person
  14. ... crying, screaming and bribery wont make a baby go to sleep
  15. ... stretch marks are really just a badge of motherhood I proudly wear
  16. ... how the littlest person in the family takes up the most room and has the most laundry
  17. ... just going out to the grocery store now takes strategic planning
  18. ... once I think I have it all figured out, something new happends to completely throw me off
  19. ... that although I can't carry a tune, I still have an adoring audience
  20. ... I can speak in tounges (eg: "a goo goo goo", "aww wad a pweddy babee grl!", "mommy wuvs you! yes she do")
  21. ... pacifiers are a GOD-SEND
  22. ... no matter how hard I try, the house will never be as clean as it once was before babies came along
  23. ... that no matter how early we begin to get ready to go someplace, we will always arrive late
  24. ... all my organization and planning doesn't really matter as babies don't understand schedules
  25. ... I dread their doctor appointments as much as I do my own
  26. ... the maternal instinct is a powerful force, not to be reckoned with
  27. ... one toothless baby smile can brighten any bad day
  28. ... how to pick up a multitude of objects with my feet while holding a screaming baby
  29. ... how to carry 5 grocery bags, a diaper bag, purse and a 15 lb baby in a carseat up a flight of stairs without dropping anything or anyone
  30. ... how the moment I put on the cutest outfit, something will be spilled or spit-up on it in a matter of minutes
  31. ... babies give the best hugs
  32. ... toddlers can squeeze into any little space but somehow can never get out.
  33. ... they know more then they will ever let on

More To Come . . .