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Underworld Evolution Online 2006 (c) All rights reserved. Characters and "Underworld Evolution" are (c) Subterranean Productions. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is prohibited by law. This website is not affiliated with Lakeshore and Screen Gems or other members. Every graphic on this site is created by me.
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20 FEBRUARY 2006
Well, its been a month since it came out and that's all it lasted in theatres, sadly. But so far has gained an impressive $77,739,102 worldwide. Talks of a 3rd installment is possible.
Site : Making character pages, and game pages. I am in need of affiliates,whether you site is Underworld related or not.
16 FEBRUARY 2006
Underworld: Evolution is
currently the #1 film of the year grossing a total of $58,332,622. Even though this week it came in at #9 making $2,608,793. World wide it has collected $75,805,724. Already more than the previous Underworld Collected. It is currently the #6 most grossed  Vampire movie of all time.
11 FEBRUARY 2006
I created the
FORUM. So if you will go join!
I added animations and some avatars i made
so check out the gallery.
Sadly Underworld: Evolution came in at #6 in the box office making 5.1 million dollars. Total amount made is $58 million. So if you have not seen it, see it, and if you have, see it again.
New Layout! Finished the Underworld 2 quotes and interesting fact pages.

2 MARCH 2006
Underworld: Evolution brought in a total of $82,758,700 worldwide.

10 MARCH  2006
There is a very informing article at The Star Online. Check it out...
Len the Vamp Man

I created a easy access page to all my avatars and icons that i have made. you can find it here.

6 JUNE 2006
Underworld: Evolution now on DVD, pick up a copy of the special edition and receive a FREE comic book. I will scan the comic book, once i have time!!! So look forward to that, and I will also get DVD caps.
3 JUNE 2006
Remember Underworld: Evolution comes out on DVD Tuesday June 6. Also UGO.com is having a Underworld sweepstakes, find out more here.So go out and grab a copy!
And Also remember to watch the
MTV Movie Awards, where Kate Beckinsale will be presenting and she is nominated for Best Hero.

MAY 15 2006
OK school ends tomorrow, so bare with me. Some Underworld Evolution news, Vote for Kate Beckinsale HERE for BEST HERO for the MTV Movie Awards 2006. You can vote as many times as you want! So vote plenty! Kate will be a presenter!!!!!!!!! So watch it June 8th at 9PM.

MAY 10 2006
I know i haven't updated in awhile, i have had some log in errors. Geocities isn't working well with my computer. I have some new affiliates. And sorry again for lack of update. I have finals all this week and next so I am not sure when the next time ill be able to update.

APRIL 20 2006
The Underworld: Evolution Special Edition 1 Disc DVD will be coming out June 6, you can pre-order it on Amazon. To see whats on the dvd read more.
And i have created
new archives where you can see previous news including box office and interviews.
VOTE in the FUSE Chainsaw Awards
Categories to vote for Underworld in.
- Guy you don't want to mess with {Scott Speedman}
-Chic you don't want to mess with {Kate Beckinsale}
-Best couple from hell {Selene and Michael}
-Bloodiest Beatdown {Kate Beckinsale  vs. Tony Curran}
-Looks that kill

New affiliate, Fallen.
I finally got my scanner reinstalled so I will be scanning the Underworld Evolution Comic book that came along with the DVD.

26 JULY 2006
VOTE for Kate Beckinsale in Underworld Evolution for the 2006 Spike TV Scream Awards airing October 10th. Your vote counts!
The old news has moved to the news archives.