Union Park
Dubuque, Iowa
Based upon information from  Union Park - A Place of Memories, Michael A. Boge, 1983.
History & Pictures
March 1891 - Dubuque Electric Railway, Light, & Power Company (locally known as Allen & Swiney Motor Line Company) purchases roughly 40 acres of land from the Stewart farm northwest of Dubuque
Timeline April 24, 1891 - The first trolley travels to the end of the track, Stewart Park, with the mayor, aldermen, press, & other esteemed guests in a 'soft opening' of sorts
April 26, 1891 - Stewart Park officially opens for business, but its beginnings are a bit shaky as control of the park is transferred several times
1893 - Allen & Swiney sell the company's holdings to the Old Colony Trust Company, the second mortgage bond holders.  The first mortgage bond holders object, and control is given to the Dubuque Light & Traction Company
The Park Today
July 1899 - Control is transferred to the General Electric Company
August 1899 - The Dubuque firm is sold and reorganized into the Home Electric Company
August 1900 - Control is transferred to the Union Electric Company, the park is renamed Union Park, and Mathes is appointed Park Manager
1900-1903 - Improvements abound at Union Park: the dance hall, bowling alley, and lighting system are upgraded
1904 - Improvements continue: cement sidewalks are added, The Pavilion (a new dance hall) is built, and the waiting station/depot is restructured
1905 - The first rustic bandstand is built
1907 - A second and more elaborate rustic bandstand is built
1908 - A chilren's playground, a picnic/party pavilion, & a roller coaster are constructed, and Wonder Cave becomes more accessible to parkgoers
1909 - Mammoth Theatre is built
1910 - Improvements include an overall beautification project with an emphasis on varied flowers and shrubs, the addition of a children's wading pool, & the announce-
ment of a new entertainment policy
...Under Construction...