


Wanting to go see Flash, you walk quietly down the grass-carpeted path. When you reach a small clearing, you look around, expecting to see another white unicorn. Not seeing one, you call out Flash's name. In a silver flash, a young unicorn stallion stands in front of you, grinning.
"You called? Came to visit me? Wonderful! There's not much here I admit. Not much to do or see. I mostly spend the hours sun-bathing, playing games, sleeping, and visiting my friends. I don't have a mate one but I hope to get one someday. I'm not really 'seeing' anyone either, as you humans call it." Flash swishes his goat-like tail and cocks a head at you. "Well, feel free to look around. Like I said, not much." You look around the small clearing once more then you say good-bye to Flash and thank him for his time. You turn to leave but before you do, you look at some scrolls.


Name: Flash

Age: adult
Parents: ???
Mate: n/a
Offspring: n/a

Flash as a hatchlingFlash as a youthFlash as a teen
