Universal Knowledge and Rick Ross

If the Rick Ross Institute Rules prohibit 'flaming' and/or attempting to attack someone that has chosen to be anonymous through such a personal attack, why is it that the original post by user 'Snookie' was allowed to go up on the RRI Messageboard.

It contained information that broke every section of the privacy legislation in that it provided not only names but locations and also, no-one from the company Universal Knowledge was approached to ask if they wish to remain anonymous.

How can lodging a post with a persons name - Natasha Lakaev and the words "is a cult leader" in excess of 10 times across the screen not be classed as 'flaming' in the rules of RRI???

What kind of credibility does this create?

If word of mouth gossip is going to be spread across the globe with the Adminstrator of this gossip not thoroughly researching the 'claims' of the poor, meek and defenseless who would really bother taking it seriously?

If you're going to put portions of it up, put it all up....at least that provides the total picture and makes it into something a little more interesting rather than incorrectly 'shocking' people into believing something is out there to get them at their every turn.

Why not make it a bit of fun in the process?

'Education imparts humility' (especially when it is the truth), whereas gossip creates havoc and distrust.

During your investigation RRI, did you find any of the claims to be true?

There appears to be a lot of documented evidence of your informants that provide a background which is quite sordid and contradictory.

  • Why ignore this?
    The repercussions of gossip in communication can be far reaching.

  • Good vs Bad feedback Continued
    Everyone has a different perception of their situation. Take children for an example. Life can be terrible one moment, especially when they're in trouble, but as soon as something else takes their fancy...off they go again. Then people grow up and the things that take their fancy become bigger but the things they lose or feel 'wrong' about stay with them.

  • Warning RRI about incorrect information
    The accusations of Natasha Lakaev running an alleged cult via Universal Knowledge or any other avenue shocked many clients who knew Deanna Reginato as the face of Universal Knowledge for many years. She was however, asked to leave the company because of fraud and abuse of her small child. Refer to Link for the full story. In the interim Click Here

  • Information