Zechs' Gundam Memorial Webring

This is where you can join my webring. If you have any questions please e-mail me at unmasked_zechs@yahoo.com.

Requirements for joining:

1: Your site must relate to or contain anything about Gundam.
2: Although this is a non-yaoi site, yours may contain yaoi but no sort of hentai or pornography. This webring was only established for viewers to find Gundam Wing related meterials, yaoi or non-yaoi.
3: The HTML fragment must be on your website before you join. It does not have to be on your first page but somewhere on one of your other pages.

If these requirements are not met then you will not be added to the webring or you will be taken off. Your membership with the ring will be terminated. You will recieve an e-mail proir to the removal.

Here's the HTML for the above fragment.

Here's the HTML for the above fragment.

To join visit this link
To edit your information visit this link

When you have completed putting the fragment on your webpage please contact me telling me that you placed it and where. Then I will add you to the webring.

This Site is Best Viewed with IE 4.0+