 Electric Motors
 Proximity Switch
 Network Security
 RF Coils
Ultra High Power
Watts to KiloWatts
Volts to KiloVolts
microAmps to KiloAmps
No Reed Switches
No Transistors or Triacs
For full product line see: http://www.jacksonltd.org

Proximity switches represent a broad class of sensors.  Various types include optical, electrostatic, thermal, or magnetic devices.  Magnetic sensors may be divided into the induction or dynamic type and the direct field detectors or static type.  A proximity switch, activated either by an electromagnet (coil) or a permanent magnet, is most often classified as a relay  when it incorporates electrical contacts.  The general concept is that a switching action takes place without any physical contact.

The reed relay hermetically sealed in a glass envelope is a classical example of a static magnetic proximity switch.  Most references to it may be found in literature related to relays.

The Jackson proximity switch or proximity relay may be actuated by either electromagnets or permanent magnets.  It may be substituted for Hall Effect Sensors or Induction Proximity Sensors, depending upon the application.  Reliability is limited only by the quality of the electrical contacts used in a particular design.  This technology has unlimited power handling capability.  It can be ruggedized to handle virtually any environment.  It radically out performs the reed switch.

Typical fields of application are:

Purchase some....
  • Automotive
  • Electronic Physical
  • Industrial position sensors
  • Security Radio Frequency circuits
  • Telecommunications relays
proxyIndustrial: The Ultimate Replacement for the Reed Switch.  May be substituted for Hall Effect Sensors and Induction Proximity Sensors, depending upon the application.
Electronic Physical Security- The Jackson High Security Switch is the most advanced and most reliable balanced magnetic security switch.  Defeat mechanisms that can be used against all other existing high security switches are ineffective.
RF System:  Integrate the Jackson High Security Switch with the Video Camera transmission line and monitor the integrity of the transmission line.  Detect cable tampering and attempted splicing.