Shinji's War Diaries
Shinji's Diaries Pg 1
Shinji's Diaries Pg 2
Shinji's Diaries Pg 3
Shinji's Diaries Pg 4
Shinji's Diaries Pg 5
Shinji's Diaries Pg 6
Shinji's Diaries Pg 7
Shinji's Diaries Pg 8
This section is for something called "Shinji's War Diaries".  Garfield has asked that I mention that this is not from an actual war, nor is it to be assumed that Shinji has all information involved in this game.  It is simply flavor text written by one of the players, with no inside information.

(And no, the picture is not of Shinji.  Just some space type things, as this game is a "Space Opera")