Once upon a time there was a little green hen that had a Scout Troop.  She had an assistant leader and a lot of mothers with the troop.  One day the little green hen found that she needed a cookie chairman for her troop.
    She asked Susie's mother to be cookie chairman but Susie's mother said, "No, I am far too busy with the PTA."
    She asked Janie's mother but Janie's mother said, "No, I am far too busy with my bridge club."
    "All right," said the little green hen, "I'll do it myself," and she did but she was so busy handling the cookies sale at several meetings that they never did finish their service project for the Children's Home.
Then one day the little green hen found that she needed a mother to help with the transportation for her troop.
    She asked Susie's mother but Susie's mother said, "No, I am far too busy with my church circle."
    She asked Kathy's mother but Kathy's mother said, "No, I have to work."
    "All right," said the little green hen, "I'll do it myself," and she did but she was too busy calling all the parents that they didn't finish planning their overnight at spring vacation and so she had to cancel that.
Then one day the little green hen found that she had to have a captain for the fund drive.
    She asked Susie's mother but Susie's mother said, "No, we are going to Spain."
    She asked Kathy's mother but Kathy's mother said, "No, I am busy redecorating just now."
    "All right," said the little green hen, "I'll do it myself," and she did but she was so busy making fund drive calls that she couldn't keep up the badge records and so they had to cancel the Court of Awards.
Then one day the little green hen found that she had to have a resource person willing to share a talent with the girls.
    She asked Cheryl's mother but Cheryl's mother said, "No, I am already involved."
    "All right," said the little green hen, "I'll do it myself," and she did but she couldn't keep up with the calling, the fund drive, and badge records, and could not share her talents with the girls.
Then the little green hen found that she needed an arrangement specialist to help fulfill each function.
    She asked Sally's mother but Sally's mother said, "No, I am arranging the school projects for the year."
    Susie's mother said, "I don't think Susie should stay in Scouts because they didn't finish the service project, they didn't go on their overnight, and Susie never did get her badges.  I don't think the little green hen is a very good leader."
    ...And Janie's mother said, "I don' think that Janie will stay in Scouts because they didn't finish their service project and they didn't go on their overnight."
    ...And the little green hen said, "I won't take the troop another year because I can't do it all myself."...and she didn't.

***Don't let this happen to your daughter's troop!!!  If everyone does something for the troop, no one will be overworked, the troop will be more active, and the girls will be happier.***

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