Interesting Discriptions
(this is for all those really strange pc's and the
zanny st's who just can't stand to have normal names... ;)

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first off we have an intersting screenshot of Conrad as... Lenny!

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and now we have tim st as... Lenny!
(I guess everyone just wants to be lenny... ;)

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now Lenny as... Evil Lenny!

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not quite sure when we got _that_ at cg... O.o

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poor st...

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times when you should really leave conrad alone... O.O

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awwww... isn't he cute!

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how come players don't get ultra cool icons like this?...

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O.o honey, its the interdimentional reality softeners again,
did we pay our taxes this year?...

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awwww... she's soooooo cute!

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awwww... he's so... *cough, cough, gag...*

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don't argue with the fashion sence of evil... ~_^

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