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  McCombs MBA Alumni Network
San Diego Chapter Survey - 2/5/03
1. What year did you graduate from the McCombs School of Business at UT
Year # Responses
2002 1
2001 3
2000 1
1999 3
1998 3
1997 3
1996 1
1994 2
1993 2
1987 1
1986 1
2. How long have you lived in the San Diego area?
# Responses
Less than year 3
1-3 years 9
4-6 years 6
6-10 years 1
10+ years 1
do not live in SD area 1
3. Which of the following events are most interesting to you?  1-very interesting;  4-least interesting
1 2 3 4 Rating Ranking
Business speakers 4 7 7 3 4 4
Academic speakers 1 3 7 10 -44 8
Dinners 4 8 8 1 12 3
Happy Hours 10 5 4 2 34 1
Family Events 4 6 3 7 -6 5
Sporting events 3 5 10 3 -10 6
Golf outings 4 4 2 11 -24 7
Cultural events 0 11 6 4 -6 5
Events w/ other busn school alumni 5 8 5 2 18 2
4. On what days would you be must likely to attend alumni events?
# Responses Ranking
Monday 4 5
Tuesday 6 4
Wednesday 6 4
Thursday 11 1
Friday 8 3
Saturday 9 2
Sunday 6 4
5. At what times would you be most likely to attend alumni events?
# Responses Ranking
Breakfast speaker 2 4
Lunch speaker 3 3
Evenings 18 1
Weekends 10 2
6. In what ways do you plan to get involved w/ the SD alumni chapter in the coming year?
# Responses (please see word document)
Attend events 18
Assist w/ event planning 5
Assist w/ chapter communications 3
Secure speakers for events 1
I'm not interested in involvement 1
Other 3
7. How would you prefer to be contacted about SD chapter events/information?
# Responses
E-mail 18
Mail 0
Phone 0
Prefer not to be contracted 2