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LOCATION: Ilocos Sur and Mt. Province
ELEVATION: Approx 1,300 MASL highest elevation
LEVEL: Major Climb, Level III, Strenuous (Cross Country)
JUMP-OFF POINT: Candon/Gregorio Del Pilar, Ilocos Sur


Tirad Pass is one of the oldest major trails existing in the Philippines. In fact it was considered as an important gateway to the Cordilleras during the Spanish Era. Through the passage of time and as new roads and highways were built, this trail was relegated to the dustbin of our historical records. But as hiking becomes popular, "adventure promising" places like Tirad Pass are being revisited. In climbing Tirad Pass, the usual destination is Spike's Peak (one of the highest peak of the mountainous region where Tirad Pass is located) which is a two day activity. But the trail system has lot more to offer for it will never be called the Cordilera's Gateway for nothing. The most promising trail this place has to offer is the Tirad Pass to Sagada Trail. This trail has been published in books like "Action Asia Adventure Book" but most of these hikes originates from Sagada towards Ilocos Sur and not the other way around and only a handful have done it so far. In between, there are hundreds of other trails criss crossing the mountains which is popularly known as the "Cordillera Way." As history tells us, Emilio Aguinaldo and his men "trekked" from Ilocos Sur to Cordillera and further to Isabela where he was captured thus dissecting the Luzon island horizontally from coast to coast. If the Sierra Madre is being eyed as the "Philippine Appalachian;" that will dissect Luzon vertically, then this trail, in its entirety, in the future may be the perpendicular version.
This itinerary can be used for a Tirad Pass only climb or a Tirad Pass to Sagada climb or can even be used as a spring board to other destination within Ilocos, Abra and Mt. Province.


According to old stories, long time ago there lived in northern Luzon a big, brave and handsome man named Andog. Because of his attributes, he was well loved and respected by the villagers. But because he was big, he cannot find a suitable woman within the village to be his wife. As he is well-loved, his friends from the the village, upon learning from him of his desire to marry, have volunteered to look for a suitable woman for him. So they traveled far and wide in search of the perfect match for Andog.

They were lucky though, since after reaching a valley called Amianan, they found the suitable woman from one of the caves in the valley. They found the woman bathing in the stream inside the cave. Andogs friends told the woman their intention and the woman, who introduced herself as Ading Luding, and upon learning that they were representing Andog who is also well known in the place agreed to their proposition but only in one condition - for Andog to create for her a hat made of either a fruit or vegetable of any tree, big enough to fit her head.

Andog was sad upon learning the strange request for he does not know of any fruit that big. He consulted the villagers and an old man named Lupong volunteered to help him. But his help is with one condition- that Andog should never curse the sun, rain or wind during his trip to Ading Luding's cave when he already has the fruit hat. He agreed so they went to get the fruit early the next morning. They made a hat out of it which they called catucong. Feeling jubilant, Andog put on the hat, bade the old man goodbye, and started for the mountain where Ading Luding lived. From his heavenly abode, Bathala saw Andog as the latter went on his way to Ading Luding's place. "I want to test that man's sincerity in keeping his promise," Bathala said. So he ordered the sun to send its hot rays on Andog. The sun followed Bathala's order, and its rays burned Andog's skin. Then the young man cursed the sun. Next Bathala ordered the wind to blow and the rain to fall. The wind and the rain followed Bathala's order and soon there were violent storms and heavy rains. Annoyed and forgetting his promise, Andog held his catucong over his head and shouted a curse at the wind and rain. This angered Bathala. In still another to test out how sincere Andog was in keeping his promise, he ordered earthquakes to break the mountainside near the cave where Ading Luding lived. And Andog cursed the earthquakes. Andog was thinking of a way by which he could reach the cave when, all of a sudden the earth shook and broke loose the ground which he stood. At the same moment the mountain crumbled, covering Andog with a big landslide. Miraculously, his catucong was not harmed.

It is said that the tip of that hat which was left uncovered became the narrow pass which connects one end of the mountain to the other. This cursed mountain trail is now known as Tirad Pass.




Major Climb Mountains

   Mount Amuyao
   Mount Apo
   Mount Banahaw
   Mount Bulusan
   Mount Canlaon
   Mount Guiting-Guiting
   Mount Halcon
   Mount Iglit and Baco
   Mount Iriga
   Mount Kitanglad
   Mount Mayon
   Mount Napulawan
   Mount Pulag
   Mount Tapulao
   Mount Ugu
   Tirad Pass



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