V = Victorious K = Kikay Y = Young at heart

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(No one else but ME.)

"..I am but a traveler, in most every way..The stars are out tonight and they're bound to guide my way..I won't let the darkness in..What a journey it has been.."


(Me and my family.)

"Sing me your song again, daddy.."


(Me and my HS friends.)

"I always thought you were the best; I guess I always will..I've always felt that we've been blessed; and I feel that way still.."


(Me and my UP friends.)

"I'll be at your side; there's no need to worry. Together we'll survive; through the haste and hurry.."


(Me and my significant other.)

"..Whenever I am weary I lean on this feeling that I have. I am so much stronger now. Thankful, yes I am.."


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..Of the pieces, pieces, PIECES of ME..

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Maria Victoria D. Mendoza
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University of the Philippines
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