District VI Virginia DAR   
District VI of the Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution currently has 23 Chapters and invite you to explore, dream, and discover with us.Our Chapters provide good work to our country, our homes and our communities.  We promote patriotism at home and support our troops abroad. 
Our District Daughters work hard promoting education, conducting genealogy research, preserving history, promoting membership,     assisting veterans, and providing scholarships.
We hope you will take a few minutes of your time and learn about our Chapters.  We invite you to come to our meetings or contact us and find out for yourself all of the good work our Daughters do. 
We extend a heartfelt invitation to join the Daughters of the American Revolution.  Our Chapters will help you find your American Revolutionary ancestors and assist you in joining the DAR.
Our State Regent has chosen the following motto for her term in office:  
DAR - Making A Difference
We invite you to ring the bell with District VI. 
District VI Meeting - July 26, 2008, Holiday Inn, Staunton 
District VI-III Fall Muster - September 16, 2008, Comfort Inn, Danville
Contact us at vadvidar@yahoo.com 
Last updated: May 2008. 
This Website developed and maintained by E.M. Mabie  
This website used the following references:  
History Of The Virginia Daughters Of The American Revolution 1891-1987 and  History Of Chapter Names, DAR, 1967