Welcome!!  The SIGNET staff is thrilled to report that the Center is open and running on high gear.  We are pleased to have completed much that is involved with September identification and can now focus on our favorite thing - working with the children.

     We are very excited about this year’sT.A.G. unit, Leonardo Lives!! If you were unable to be with us for Orientation, please take a moment to read the web for that piece of our curriculum (

     We are ready to begin the first unit, Il Maestro, and will become familiar with the life of our mentor, Leonardo da Vinci.  As a master scientist, inventor, engineer, artist, and musician, Leonardo embodies many of the traits exhibited by gifted children (and adults).  He was a man of questions and broad-ranging talents, committed to being a life-long learner.  As Leonardo had questions, the students find themselves asking questions too.  We may not find all of our answers, in fact, we will probably discover even more questions, but it promises to be an exciting year.

     Leonardo’s works and ideas serve as an inspiration as we explore his varied themes of discovery.  Because of his diverse interests and achievements, Leonardo is a prime example of how students can be well-rounded and excel in many different areas. 

Our main goals in T.A.G. will be to :

1.  Study Leonardo and his exceptional ability  to solve problems through observation, curiosity, creativity, and perseverance.

2. Guide students to a broader understanding of science, technology, and art and  how these disciplines  interrelate.

3.Encourage students to see themselves as  young “Leonardos” using their own inherent abilities.


Please also make sure that your child has brought in his/her supplies:

           ( 3) 2 pocket folders
           Pencils and Loose Leaf paper
           1 box of tissues OR 1 paper towels

* With the cold and flu season already upon us, please remember that we cannot keep or dispense any medication here at Lake Ridge Elem. without a Prince William County form. These are available in the front office of your base school.  The medication must be in the original bottle, with your child’s name clearly marked on it.

  * Fifth Grade parents should keep an eye out for the brochure on Middle School Specialty Programs available through PWCS.  It should be arriving in the mail with in the next few weeks. Note important dates for the parent meetings.

  * This newsletter is only one means we have of communicating with you. If you haven’t already visited the Center’s web site, please take a moment to check it out. The parent resource page includes links to sites that might be helpful to you.  As the year progresses, we will also be including photos of Center activities. We have also added a bulletin board for “SIGNET NEWS” outside room #25.

      Above all, please know what really terrific kids you have.  Remember that we are also a resource for you.  Once again , we are excited about our study this year and look forward to working with your children.
October - November
Codex Signeticus
     Family Night Schedule 06-07

* October 18            * February 21
* December 13         * April 18