Double Hopped Wheat Beer



Started: 30 Nov 03

Bottled: 12 Dec 03



1.7 Kg can Morgan's Golden Sheaf Brand Wheat Beer

1 Kg Liquid Wheat Malt Extract

50 gms Northern Brewers Hops (AAU 9.2%)

11 gm Safale K97 Wheat Yeast



Bring Hops to boil in 2-3 litres water, simmer for 30 mins

Strain Hop liquor into fermenter

Warm can of goo and WME, add to fermenter

Top with filtered water to 23 Litres, adjusting water temp to below 30 deg C

Pitched Yeast at 27 deg this time

Maintain wort in temp range 22-30 during fermentation


Facts and Figures

OG: 1.034 

FG reached: 1.010

23 Litres



Trying to get closer to the taste of Australian Redback, we doubled the usual amount of hops

 this time and it worked out pretty good - not quite Redback but definitely in the same family of taste



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