Blackberry Wheat Beer



Started 18 Feb 99 

Bottled 27 Feb 99


We didn't use just any old fruit here folks - we went into the mountains around Canberra in the heat of Summer and picked the wild fruit ourselves



1.7 Kg can Morgan's Golden Sheaf Brand Wheat Beer

1 Kg Liquid Wheat Malt Extract

1.5 Kg fresh Blackberries

22 gms Halletauer Hops



Rinse blackberries and boil in 2-3 litres water for 30 mins

Mash or puree them and add to fermenter

Prepare Hops by simmering for 20 mins then in 2-3 litres water

then let stand for another 20 mins

Strain Hop liquor into fermenter

Warm can of goo and WME, add to fermenter

Top with filtered water to 21 litres

Pitch Yeast at around 24-26 deg C


Facts and Figures

OG: 1.058

FG target: 1.018

FG reached: 1.012

Alcohol around 6.5%

21 Litres



We tried straining blackberry liquor into fermenter to avoid fruit solids blocking filler tube during bottling but found the blackberry pulp just blocked all the sieves we had

Not wanting to lose all the pulp flavouring, we threw the whole lot in and solved the filler blockage problem later by straining the brew into a second fermenter prior to bottling

Brew was moderately active for about 3-4 days then went very still

Flavour at bottling was a mild wheat with a very slight fruit flavouring

Colour was a very interesting rusty pink amber  (very difficult to describe)

A sweet, rather than bitter beer

Hops flavour hardly evident

Final Specific Gravity came in surprisingly low

All the fruit was consumed in fermentation, leaving only berry skins and seeds behind - pureeing the fruit prior to fermenting probably helped in this regard

If made again, we would add another kilo of wheat malt and probably double the amount of hops

Taste test: A number of weeks down track now and the beer remains a pink-amber colour

The blackberry flavour was not very apparent early on but seems to have become more evident as it matures

Pinkish head attracts attention - "What the heck are you drinking?"

A nice fruity refreshing novelty beer but probably not one to binge on

Would go well with light Summery type food

As beer aged it has become very smooth with a strong blackberry undertone



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