Muntons Blonde Biere



Third Batch


Started  16 Nov 03

Bottled:  22 Nov 03



And again - another batch with the essentially the same ingredients but used

 the pellet version of Halletauer hops this time

For an unknown reason, the colour and taste of this beer was darker and stronger than previous - very 'un-blonde' - we presume a variation in the can of mix as everything else was the same as previous



1 Can Muntons Blonde Biere

1.25 Kg 'The Right Stuff'

25 gms Fresh Halletauer Hops

1 pkt Beermakers Brand Yeast



Boil Hops in 3L water for 30 mins.

Add Mix. Top with water.

Pitch yeast


Facts and Figuress

OG: 1.040 

FG: ?

23 Litres




Second Batch


Started  05 Dec 99

Bottled:  Dec 99



Liked the first batch so much we decided to make another

with exactly the same recipe except fresh hop flowers were used in lieu of pellets

A great beer to accompany just about any food



1 Can Muntons Blonde Biere

1.25 Kg 'The Right Stuff'

25 gms Fresh Halletauer Hops

1 pkt Beermakers Brand Yeast



Boil Hops in 3L water for 30 mins.

Add Mix. Top with water.

Pitch yeast


Facts and Figuress

OG: 1.040 FG: 1.0

23 Litres




First Batch

Started 27 Sep 98 

Bottled 04 Oct 98


1 Can Muntons Blonde Biere

1.25 Kg 'The Right Stuff'

25 gms Halletauer Hops

1 pkt Beermakers Brand Yeast

Boil Hops in 3L water for 30 mins.

Add Mix. Top with water.

Pitch yeast.

OG: 1.040 FG: 1.015

22 Litres





Heavy fermentation for first 2 days then quietened down quickly

High ambient air temps (24-27 C) probably speeded up brew

Activity all but stopped after 4-5 days

Very pale yellow beer - almost white sediment

Taste during bottling - light nutty flavour. No strong hops taste evident

Bottled in original 1 Litre Blonde Biere bottles that we were fortunate enough to have

Mature taste very mild with feint hop taste in background

We really acquired a taste for this beer

A friend said it reminded him of his trip to Belgium - must be close to authentic



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