Dutch Lager



Second Batch


Liked the first batch so much we decided to make another

with exactly the same recipe

A very pleasant quaffing beer


Started   5 Dec 99

Bottled  12 Dec 99



1 Can Beer Makers Dutch Lager

1.25 Kg 'The Right Stuff'

25 gms Saaz Hops

1 pkt Beermakers Brand Yeast



Start yeast in water with 1-2 tbspn Malt Extract

Boil Hops in 2L water for 30 mins

Steep for 20 mins - strain into fermenter

Add Mix. Top with water

Pitch yeast


Facts and Figures

OG: 1.040 FG: 1.0

Alcohol around 5.5%

23 Litres



First Batch


Started   4 Oct 98

Bottled 10 Oct 98



1 Can Beer Makers Dutch Lager

1.25 Kg 'The Right Stuff'

25 gms Saaz Hops

1 pkt Beermakers Brand Yeast



Start yeast in water with 1-2 tbspn Malt Extract

Boil Hops in 2L water for 30 mins

Steep for 20 mins - strain into fermenter

Add Mix. Top with water

Pitch yeast


Facts and Figures

OG: 1.040 FG: 1.014

Alcohol around 5.5%

23 Litres



Very active bubbling for 2-3 days then stopped rapidly thereafter

All bubbling had ceased by bottling day

Tasted good at bottling with mild taste of hops and cinnamon-like taste in background

Mature taste - very similar to Special Czech Pilsener with not as strong a hops flavour

Very clear light yellow to amber coloured beer

Very easy drinking


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