Vedic Dharma

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।। ओ३म् ।।

Oh God

ओ३म् भूर्भुव: स्: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस् धीमहि।

धियो यो : प्रचोदयात् (यजुर्वेद: 36/3)

Thou art the Giver of life, Remover of pain & sorrow, The Bestower of happiness! Oh Creator of the universe! May we receive thy sin-destroying light! May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction! (Yajurveda: 36/3)

ओ३म् असतो मा सद् गमय।

Oh Omnipresent God! Lead us from untruth to truth!

ओ३म् तमसो मा ज्‍यो‍तिर्गमय।

Oh Omnipotent God! Lead us from darkness to light!

ओ३म् मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय।

Oh Omniscient God! Lead us from mortality to immortality!


The main object to create this site of the Vedic Dharma is to propagate true knowledge to all people of the globe irrespective of any casts, creeds, colours, places etc. and to bring the correct interpretation of the Vedic Scriptures in vogue. It proves what is true and exposes what is false.

This site concludes with a synopsis of the important doctrines of the Vedic Dharma. The contents of the Vedic Dharma  have been divided in different titles according to its subjects, for the convenience of our valued viewers to find out their questions of their interest.

I am sure that those who are anxious to be acquitted with the message of the Rishis (Seers) of old will appreciate the site - Vedic Dharma – The original treasures of the 'Divine knowledge'.

May the Infinite Unique God, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, All truth, All-intelligence, All blissful and the innermost spirit of all, out of His Grace, give success, health, wealth & happiness and permanence to all the followers of the Vedic Dharma. May God bless all and give them courage to embrace truth and renounce untruth.

ã This website is dedicated to all those who love, respect and practice sublime philosophy and teaching of the Vedic Dharma. 

ã This website of the Vedic Dharma is created for the benefit of all human beings around the world and all human beings have equal right to acquire the true knowledge in this world, hence it cannot be copyrighted, since no person can monopolise the Vedic Dharma – The Origional Treasures of the Divine Knowledge – revealed by God in the beginning of the Universe that rightfully belongs to all.  

ã “Krinavanto Vishwam Aryam” – It’s the prime duty of all noble people to aquire the Vedic Dharma, acquire the Vedic Dharma, put into self practice first, experience it and then share and propagate the same with others to make all people noble.                                                                           God Bless All!     

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