
Feel free to submit links to me - all I ask is that you link me in return!

Yes! FFUMP has reopened! A awesome archive, especially if you don't like mainstream fiction! Go there! Go there now or I shall beat you!

Yes! A fantastic but incredibly small fanfiction archive! This could be the next with NC-17 fanfiction! Go there, sign up and write write write!

Another great fanfic archive! It's great and there are so many good authors and fics!

Yet another great fanfic archive which is far superior to - a really great site! I reccoment it!

Media miner is THE BEST site for fanfiction! It has tons of categories (not just DBZ) as well as having heaps of NC-17 fics! This site rocks! 10 stars! Go there!

The biggest fanfiction archive on the net. Unfortunetly they don't allow NC-17 fics, so most good authors have moved away.

Apart from this is one of the best places to go if want pages upon pages of DBZ fics of all kinds. Plus it's run by Goku Girl, one of the nicest people on the net!

This site has some great fanfiction (amongst other fantastic stuff) and it's definetly worth a visit or two!

A new site that has been created especially for Odd Couples! Yay!

A wonderful Goku / Bulma fanfiction site with a giant G/B fanfiction list! A great place to go if your an avid G/B reader!

This awesome Odd Couple Fanfiction site is run by Nekoni, the only other person I know who is more into OC writing then me!

A different kind of character shrine! Check it out! I dare you!

Click to subscribe to dbz_odd_couples

Here are some banner and buttons for you to use if you want to link to my site! Please link to:

This button was made for me 		by Ane S. Thesia...I just kinda altered it a little so it shakes ^_^

Is this not the coolest button? I 	so rock!

fantastic DBZ site with tons of great fanfiction!
My other sister site ^_^ It has some fantastic stuff! You should go see!
DBZ Mystic Forest
© copyright Vegeta Insaiyan

Dragonball Z and Vegeta are both properties of Akira Toriyama and FUNimation, and all images, sounds and characters used within this site are the property of their respectful owners.

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