Did you know???

 Volume and  weight  reduction ratio of coconuts when converted into coconut oil in the farm is quite significant.

~Coconut with husk/oil:  30:1 by volume

~Coconut with husk/oil:  10:1 by weight

~Coconut without husk/oil: 13:1 by volume

~Coconut without husk/oil: 6.4:1 by weight



About the fabricators

        A company to be successful requires a basic direction, an area of expertise to concentrate on and develop.

        We consider that our specialty is in developing a proficiency in manufacturing specialized machines and equipment of a high quality but modest price.

        Our more than 40 years experience in this field provides the expertise essential for the successful implementation of this philosophy.

        The basic direction of the company over the next ten years will be towards custom-designed, quality production and computerized machine work. Inevitably, there will be changes as the   market­place evolves and we expect a trend toward producing a standard range of machines which would also be suitable for the export market.

        We believe in both our strength (in terms of personnel, resources and experience) and the market's future need for a company that can provide local sourcing of machinery for industry that meets interna­tional quality standards.

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Partial view of our shop(1)

Partial view of our shop(2)

One of our computer workstations

vertical dryer
Section of vertical dryer

Vertical Expeller
Vertical Coco oil expeller

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