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         AUGUST 28, 20044

   Hi everyone ! Today will be the beginning of my site. I'm so exicited to get this thing going before school >_< start again. From this day on, I have exactly 9 days left of summer. I had a pretty good summer so no regret here ^_^. Good luck to you all in the upcomming school year and remember if you do drug, do it with a friend :).
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         AUGUST 29, 2004

     Today I have completed 5 more pages. I'll try to get more up as fast as I can. I went with my cousin to his dorm in Rutger University half of the day so time is kinda short for me. Forgive me? @_@. College is a big thing don't you think? I think that it is the path to shapes whatever your future is. Come think of it, I am sort of nervous a little.
         AUGUST 30, 2004

     I just put some nice midis into the site. They are pretty good dodn't you think? Well at least they are the type that I really like. Sorry if they might get a little annoying sometimes :). I'll try to put more up (different types) so you can get your mind off one of the songs. That is it for today. I'll get 4 more pages done today and will publish them. Actually I'm working on them right now. 11:40 PM X_X
         AUGUST 31, 2004
Eeeeek! It is the end of the moth already >_<. Just when the fun about to commence. Damn it time sure went by fast the last week. I still have to do my SUMMER READING -_-. Oh well! We all are racing against time in this world right?
         SEPTEMBER 1, 2004
I just found out today that for the past 4 days I was in March :). Mistakes happens all the time, especially for me ^_^. My page is far from complete >_< and I don't have a bright mind either. I guess I'll try to finish it little by litlle.
         SEPTEMBER 2, 2004
   I will stop putting post on to the site from now on until I'm finish with the site. I have so little time a so much to do. I don't think you guys having any problem with me stop posting daily updates about me right?
         SEPTEMBER 16, 2004
Oh man oh man! Exactly two weeks have passed. School wasn't as bad as I expected. All I need are some motivations and a little more responsibility and I can finish schoolworks and continue this site at the same time. I'm racing against time BABY! (I think I'm losing) :))