
Sound: “E”

Position: 3rd Aett, 3rd Rune {19}

Rune of harmonious teamwork and trust. Rune of pairs working together
for a common goal.


· Duality
· Movement
· Partnership
· Interaction
· Harmony

Tree: Oak, Ash

Color: White

Element: Earth

Numerical Value: 19

Astrological Correspondence: Gemini

Tarot Correspondence: The Lovers

Magical Qualities:

· Increases Wisdom
· Travels to other realms and dimensions
· Increases ability for lucid dreaming
· Works with polarities of energy
· Shapeshifts and works with power animals
· Projects the double

In Divination:

Ehwaz represents a journey in consciousness that is protected, supported, guided. As energies are unified, you meet new horizons and opportunities. Self-adaptability is more important now than increased effort. You have sufficiently strived. Watch other people to learn about yourself. This is a time for partnerships of all kinds, be it personal or business related.

If you are uncertain of your path at any moment, take your time. Just let things be, and relax. Ask yourself some questions: Is this the right time for me to go on? Is the doing appropriate for now? Am I following what is in line with my growth? It may be time for a rest before moving forward again.
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