
Sound: “I”

Position: 3rd Aett, 6th Rune {22}

Rune of isolation and separation in order to create a space where transformation into higher states of being can occur. Rune of gestation and internal growth.


· Energy
· Gestation
· Integration
· Protection
· Castration

Tree: Apple

Color: Yellow

Element: Earth

Numerical Value: 22

Astrological Correspondence: The Dark Moon

Tarot Correspondence: Judgment

Magical Qualities:

· Useful as a sacred enclosure
· Learns the nature of diverse energies
· Understands the forces of change
· Learns to channel energies in a focused way

In Divination:

Ingwaz builds energies toward powerful release. You are discovering your true power. This is a fertile time that can give birth to a joyful deliverance. It is time to resolve the old, get rid of the useless, and clarify you mind. You can mirror yourself in others to discover your power, and receive support from friends.
The more energy you move toward an outcome, the more likely it is that the outcome will become realized.
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