
Sound: “O”

Position: 3rd Aett, 8th Rune {24}

Rune of the homeland. Spiritual state of  internal well-being in which development and growth can take place.


· Ancestry
· Prosperity
· Inheritance
· Family

Tree: Hawthorn

Color: Deep Yellow

Element: Air, and the mastery of all elements

Numerical Value: 24

Astrological Correspondence: Full Moon

Tarot Correspondence: The Moon

Magical Qualities:

· Understands the implications of the Whole
· Uses the lessons of the past to better deal with the future
· Communicates with the sleepers
· The wisdom and integration of all things

In Divination:

Othala represents all coming to divine fruition; or being completely destroyed.  Your desires manifest according to your intentions. The ancestors are singing to you. Make room for the new; listen to the old. Reach for your authentic self. You will need to make choices which could be painful. The false self is no longer in fashion. Choices are coming: Be Wise.

As all turns and shifts, don’t fight the delays; Cultivate patience, yet persevere. A delay may show you a different understanding. Rest before taking any action.
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Wheel of Runes

OTHALA is the Last Rune