
Sound: “K”

Position: 1st Aett, 6th Rune

Rune of creativity and of the technical ability to shape things in the objective and subjective worlds.
The rune of art.


· The rune of knowledge
· The internal controlled fire
· Guiding light

Tree: Pine

Color: Gold

Element: Fire

Numerical Value: 6

Astrological Correspondence: Venus

Tarot Correspondence: The High Priestess

Magical Qualities:

· Creative Inspiration
· Strengthens abilities in all of the realms
· Regenerates and heals
· Helps in personal transformation
· Manifests through polarities
· Increases personal insight
· Increases fertility

In Divination:

Kenaz brings about change and transformation, and is the emotional root of creativity. This change becomes accessible through the controlled power of the psyche combined with the contained energy of nature resulting in the achievement of a tangible objective Nuture your innate creativity and magical patterns at this time, all the while building up life force so that the patterns, like children, may thrive on  their own.

You  have passed the dark night of the soul, and have the power to see through darkness if necessary. Clarity and awareness are yours at this time. Let your good fortune triumph in your life.

Old behavioral patterns fall into gaps at transformational times. There is always darkness before the dawn. Face the darkness consciously. Look for inner balance, and wait for the morning to come. Any willing change will
help your progess.
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Wheel of Runes