
Sound: "W"

Position: 1st Aett, 8th Rune

Rune of pleasure and feeling Harmony within the self, and in the society and surroundings in which on finds themself.
The rune of well-being.



Tree: Ash

Color: Gold

Element: Earth

Numerical Value: 8

Astrological Correspondence: Leo

Tarot Correspondence: The Sun

Magical Qualities:

Strengthens social links and bonds
Increases sense of Joy and happiness
Binds runes towards specific purposes;
links runic energies into one

In Divination:

Wunjo indicates the  harmonious existence of  varied, but complimentary energies. You are energized with the power to make your dreams come true; plans, goals. You can change the nature of your own reality, and 'turn around' outcomes. Clouds have recently lifted, and you are reaping the rewards of your efforts. Enjoy this time of laughter and success; and bask in your new understanding.

If you have reached an impasse that feels like a crisis, be yourself within it; draw sincerely from your depths, and wait. The right time is coming for you to
move forward again.

Wunjo is the Last Rune of the First Aett

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