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About the Victor Borge Tribute site

Why was this site created?

While surfing the World Wide Web I discovered some time ago that information about Victor Borge was more or less missing. Almost all references pointed to information about actual records or actual concerts.

Considering the amount of sites honouring much lesser spirits I decided to create this site. The process was so gratifying that I documented it in my (Danish) book "Mere Internet for alle".

Who am I?

My name is Werner Knudsen, and I live near Copenhagen, Denmark. Apart from being a long time Victor Borge fan I run the Kor.dk Choir Directory at http://www.kor.dk. I am also deeply involved with the Children's Choir of the Royal Danish Academy of Music, of which Victor Borge was the patron.

Why the address Vienna 1864?

The American mirror of this site is hosted by GeoCities, which is divided into "theme" neighboorhoods. I chose the neghboorhood Vienna, dedicated to classical art, to emphasize my opinion that Victor Borge is, first and last, a great artist.

The address, 1864, reminded me of an old Danish song, Mallebrok. This is a joyful version of the well known "Marlborough s'en va t'en guerre", and you might have tried to make Victor Borge play it at one of his concerts. He would certainly have known it by heart.

You can practise the Danish lyrics. Here is the first verse.

Mallebrok er død i krigen,
Filiong gong gong og tingelingeling,
Mallebrok er død i krigen,
i atten fireogtres.
I atten fireogtres,
i atten fireogtres,
Mallebrok er død i krigen,
i atten fireogtres
Marlborough has died in the war,
Filiong gong gong and tingelingeling,
Marlborough has died in the war,
in 1864.
In 1864,
in 1864,
Marlborough has died in the war,
in 1864.

Page maintained by Werner Knudsen, victorborge@gmail.com. Copyright © Werner Knudsen. Created: 01-01-97 Updated: 06-04-2005
Master site at http://www.kor.dk/borge/borge.htm.

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