This page was last updated on 3 Jun 1999 and is best viewed at 800X600 resolution.

Look for major changes as I add current stats to my historical listing! Want to know how the 1999 DCI Tour is going? Check out the
1999 DCI Tour Statistics page!

Scoring Graphs for DCI Division I Championships

DCI First Place-Twelfth Place Comparison

Blue Devils Cadets of Bergen County Cavaliers Madison Scouts Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard

Division I Title Information

DCI Division I Titles

Brass Titles Percussion Titles Visual Titles General Effect Titles

Pot Pourri

Finalist Appearances How Many Corps? The Best of Times, The Worst of Times Placement Chart Top 12 Scores

These statistics were compiled using data from the 1997 Drum Corps International Summer Music Games souvenir program book, as well as compiled results from the 1997 and 1998 DCI World Championships. None of them are scientific, nor do they speak of the stature or entertainment quality of the organizations listed. I consider it my job to crunch the numbers and your job to analyze them any way you'd like! I'll be adding new stats all the time, so check back often. Use the hotlinks to navigate.


Links to other sites on the Web

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Corpsreps.com -- a wealth of drum corps history at your fingertips
Sound Machine's Drum Corps Score Page The Fastest on the Web!!!

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If you like the site or if you find any errors in my stats, please send me an e-mail. Any problems you note will be researched and I'll modify the site to reflect the changes. Thanks for visiting my stats page and I hope it was informative.

This page has been accessed times since July 14, 1998.

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