EVS volunteers are supposed to undertake a period of training in the form of a two to three day seminar in their home country before leaving for their position abroad...was this the case for our volunteers, and if so, what did they do?

- Clara, Elena, Mette, Irmgard, Anne, Abel, Dessi, Sophie, Manuela, Robin and Agnès had no preparation.

- Gerald had individual explaination of the programme.

- Damien was in Paris for a two day meeting.

- Mar from Spain spent three days at a seminar to know about Germany in general, about the region where she lives and the differences between Spain and Germany.

- Myriam spent three days in Toulouse with others volunteers to learn about the country, Europe and his institutions.

- Marga was at a seminar for four days in October with all of the volunteers from Spain. They spoke about what the EVS is, the rigths of the volunteers, they played games about intercultural problems.

- Dani had a 7 days-seminar for the European volunteers to discuss possible problems and find solutions.

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