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Member Bios





Sgt Michael F. Walker - NCOIC - Tuba   - Hails from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.  He graduated from Fort Lauderdale High School in 1990, and enlisted in the Marine Corps in July of 1990.  After his first tour, he left the Corps to attend Florida State University where he marched with the "World Renowned" Florida State University Marching Chiefs.  In December of 1995,   Sgt Walker re-enlisted in the Marine Corps.  After completing the Armed Forces School of Music, Sgt Walker was stationed at Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, CA.  After a successful tour in 29 Palms and as the Tubist in the MCAGCC Band Brass Quintet "Cactus Brass", Sgt Walker received orders to his present duty station with the III MEF Band, Okinawa Japan.  Sgt. Walker plays on a BBb Miraphone using a Miraphone C4 Mouthpiece.  He has studied with Jay Bertolet, the principle tubist with the Philharmonic of Florida.

Sgt Balder W. Saunders - 1st Trumpet - Sgt Saunders is from Hitchka, Fl.  He graduated from Rutherford High School in 1994 and enlisted in the Marine Corps in October of 1994.  Upon completing the Armed Forces School of Music, Sgt Saunders received orders to the 4th Marine Air Wing Band in New Orleans, LA.  He received orders to the III MEF Band  and arrived  in September of 1997.

Cpl Joseph B. Hewitt - Horn -  Cpl Hewitt hails from White Oak, TX.  He graduated from White Oak High School  in 1995, and then enlisted in the Marine Corps.  Upon completing the Armed Forces School of Music, Cpl Hewitt received orders to MCAGCC in Twentynine Palms, CA.  While in the MCAGCC Band, Cpl Hewitt was a member of the "Cactus Brass" and the Hi-Desert Horn Quartet.  This was the only fully-functional Horn Quartet in the Marine Corps.  Cpl Hewitt received orders to the III MEF Band and arrived here in Okinawa this July.  Cpl Hewitt has been playing horn for 11 years, and intends to further his skills at North Texas University in the Fall of '99.  Cpl Hewitt believes that the Horn will reveal to all the "Voice of God".

Cpl Eric S. Lorbach - 2nd Trumpet - Cpl Lorbach comes to us from Lino Lakes, MN.  He graduated from Centennial High School in 1996.  He enlisted in the Marine Corps that summer.  After completing the Armed Forces School of Music, Cpl Lorbach received orders to the III MEF Band. 

Cpl Lynn M. Masimore - Trombone - Cpl Masimore hails from York, PA.  She graduated from Central York High School in 1996.   After finishing Basic Training, Cpl Masimore received orders to the Marine Corps Logistical Base, Albany, GA.  There she was a member of the Brass Quintet in that band.  Cpl Masimore received orders to the III MEF Band in 1998.


We would also like to acknowledge the Former Members of the III MEF Brass Quintet and the backup performers, who without their support and musicality, this Quintet would not be here today...

Cpl Julie C. Ball -   Horn - Cpl Ball was one of the Original 5 Members of the III MEF Brass Quintet. Cpl Ball currently has orders to MCAGCC Twentynine Palms.  Cpl Ball was the foundation and definitely the personality of the Quintet.  Her musicality has been unmatched in the III MEF Band and the Quintet.  We wish her the best of luck and will miss her terribly.

Sgt Fuchou Chiang - Trombone - Sgt Chiang is one of the best trombonists in the Marine Corps...ever!  His playing ability truly elevated the Quintet to its reputation as a premier ensemble in Marine Music.  He is now a civilian, enjoying life on the beach and attending University of California-Long Beach as a Music Performance major.  Sgt Chiang is missed and his legacy will remain with us for many years to come.  Good Luck Fuchou!!!

Cpl William P. Barker - Trumpet - Cpl Barker transferred to MCAGCC Band Twentynine Palms, CA earlier this year.   His expertise has been sorely missed and we are positive that he is leading the way in 29 Palms!

Sgt Jason M. Ponder - Trumpet - Sgt Ponder is still in Okinawa, but has been given a new billet, which has taken him away from the operational part of the Quintet, but is still there to help with keeping the Quintet the best in the military. 

Cpl William H. Carr - Euphonium - Cpl Carr was one of the Original 5 Members of the III MEF Brass Quintet.   He transferred to the !st Marine Division Band, Camp Lejeune, NC.  His vision and musicality gave us the building blocks to the professionalism that the Quintet now has.  We wish him  the best in his career.

Cpl Micah R. Hamblin -   Horn - Cpl Hamblin's story with the Quintet is somewhat humorous.  During the early part of 1998, Cpl Ball became sick and we were without a Hornist.  Cpl Hamblin, showing much talent came in and saved the day.  She is truly missed and her legacy lives on as we currently keep a backup for every instrument.  Unlike the members of the Quintet, (who still consider themselves invincible), Cpl Hamblin truly was our Superhero!!

Lcpl Jason L. Mirus -   2nd Cornet - Lcpl Mirus is another founding member of the III MEF Brass Quintet.   His musicality was the basis for the trumpeters of the future.  He is still here in Okinawa, but his services and talents were called upon by the higher powers, and he is now the JazzMaster with the III MEF Band Jazz Combo, the other outstanding small ensemble within the Band.

Cpl Troy J. Marble - Tuba - Cpl Marble's support of the Quintet goes without saying as the epitome of professional musicianship.  As Section Leader of the Tuba section and Assistant Low Brass Section Leader, Cpl Marble has shined.  Cpl Marble is THE behind the scenes hero of the Quintet.  He departs the Marine Corps soon and the Band field will be worse off without him.


Not to go without saying, but the III MEF Band would also like to thank the following for their undying understanding, support, and trust that has made our ensemble so successful......

CWO2 James A Ford, Jr - Band Officer, III MEF Band

MSgt Kenneth D. Peavie - Enlisted Band Leader, III MEF Band

SSgt George E. Schweizer - Drum Major - III MEF Band

GySgt James D. Luikart - Low Brass Section Leader - III MEF Band

SSgt Teresa L. Miranda - Public Affairs SNCOIC- III MEF Band