Andrew Popoff's sound projects

There are not only original music compositions among Andrew Popoff's works. There are also some number of sounds projects with differend sound tasks. These projects were mainly results of commissions from different companies. Here is the list of most interesting and fruitfull works and comments clearing Andrew Popoff's participations in these projects.
  • The importance to be ernst - A.P. original music to radio drama after Oscar Wild's play. "Radio of Russia", 1997. Director V. Shvedov, producer M. Shaburova.
  • Fly away-2000 New year 2000 anniversary holyday project. RTR, 1999.   Director E. Solomin.   A.P.: Sound and music design of the exhibition halls.
  • Music, computer, Internet broadcasting project. "Radio of Russia", two times in month, since 1999. Together with V. Beluntsov. A.P.: One of the authors, producer and director of the broadcasting.
  • Sun Place TV broadcasting company "Mir" ("The World") Broadcasting project. A.P.: Sound and music directing. Producer O.Khmeleva. 2000. There were many famous people of Russia among heroes of the program: Alexander Sklyar, Michael Weller, Iosif Reichelgaus, Victor Rozov, Albert Filozov, either pop-bands: "Forbidden Drummers", "Leprikonsy", Musicola, etc.
  • World Fair tales TV broadcasting company "Mir" ("The World") Broadcasting project. A.P.: Sound and music directing. Producer O.Khmeleva. Reader: Alex Dubrovsky. 2000.
  • Count Andrey non-fiction TV philm. "Time 4 Production" studio. Director E.Khmelev, producer V.Gorchakov. A.P.: music, sound. 2000.
  • Home coming   "Radio of Russia". Radio drama after  Andrey Platonov's story. A.P.: original music. Director D. Nikolayev, producer O. Khmeleva. 2000. Top ten of European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Berlin, 2000.
  • Noble of spade 2000. "Radio of Russia" Multi-serial radio drama after B.Akunin's novell. A.P: original music, sound and mastering. Prodicer Olga Khmeleva. Alexander Filippenko reads.
  • Insects' Life 2001. "Radio of Russia", "Grammophone rec". Multi-serial radio drama after Victor Pelevin's novell. Commercial version on audio cassettes and CD. A.P: original music, sound, mastering. Director M.Osipov, producer O.Khmeleva, Sergey Makovetsky reads.
  • Nasty Duck's Hobby 2001. "Radio of Russia". Multi-serial radio drama after D. Dontsova's novell. A.P: music, sound, mastering. Scenary by E. Isaeva, director M. Osipov, producer O. Khmeleva.
  • Great Dream Destroyed 2001. "Radio of Russia". Multi-serial radio drama after A. & S. Litvinovs. A.P: music, sound, mastering. Scenary by E. Isaeva, director M. Osipov, producer O. Khmeleva.
  • Love is Evil 2001. "Radio of Russia". Multi-serial radio drama after T.Polyakova. A.P: music, sound, mastering. Scenary by O. Khmeleva, director M. Osipov, producer O. Khmeleva.
  • Kyss 2001. "Radio of Russia". Multi-serial radio drama after T. Tolstaya. A.Dubrovsky reads. A.P: music, sound, mastering. Director M. Osipov, producer O. Khmeleva.

Andrew Popoff

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©Andrew Popoff
2000, Moscow, Russia
