Band Members 00'-01'

This page is dedicated to the band members and all the stuff they do that doesn't fit into any other catergories on this page! It will be updated CONSTANTLY!! This is Lindsey VanHyning(Flute),Mandi Womble(Flute),and Beth Staake(Flags) holding up Melissa Shelton(Drum Majorette/Clarinet) in some kinda football cheerleading stack. Go CHEERLEADERS!! This is the cast picture from our Production of "Robin Hood" last year. Many band members are in this cast. This is Hilary Pool(Alto) and Sammie Browning(Flags) during a break during the play last year. Those to always make everything fun. BTW those are my boots... This is Sophomore flutist Lindsey VanHyning being goofy at a bowling alley! Way to show off that play t-shirt!! This is the freshmen girls at Homecoming 00' Left to Right: Melissa Shelton(Drum Majorette/Clarinet),Mickayla Bennett(she's not in Band),Brandy Hinners(Trumpet),Hilary Pool(Alto Sax),and Sammie Browning(Flag Corps). This is Mari Cooley(Drum Majorette/Flute) and Lindsey VanHyning(Flute)when they attended a Ricky Martin concert. Look how blonde Mari's hair is!

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