Welcome to The misc Section. Here is a place for things that just don't seem to fit anywhere else. ^_^ There is a plan to be an update of sorts for the travels during the summer, or misceallanous performances.

Untill then here is what I have so far as for other misc. items:

"Pipes" - This is a link to a beautiful painting done by Judy Minor. I had gotten a e-mail from saying that it might have been some interest. This may also be seen on the cover of the Piper & Drummer (Aug/98) My heartful apologies to Judy Minor for not posting it sooner. I really appreciate geting a chance to see wonderful art such as this. I know it's no excuse.. but updates on this page were temporaily slowed while i was finishing another page for personal interests. Well anyway.. check it out

THANKS- This is a page dedicated to say all the bands thanxs to everyone out there.

Recording Copyrights- Since much of the recording information is up, I thought that the recording copyrights were up as well.

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