SGI Soundset 1.0 is a Full Featured Soundset for use under Mac OS 8.5 and later.
All files require Stuffit 5.0!
Download SGI Soundset 1.0 Mirror #1
"I love your SGI soundset. I can't imagine it getting better."
Steve Rosenberg

"I'm addicted and I can't seem to go back to platinum. Thanks for your hard work, it sure brought me some enjoyment."
Robert Clapp

more quotes!

. Welcome to the SGI Soundset for Mac OS 8.5.X. This soundset includes many of the system sounds from the SGI box behind me. Personally, I always liked the sounds from the SGI... they are clean, productive, and are simply fun. Therefor, I decided one night to port them to the Mac via Mac OS 8.5's new Soundset feature. I have implanted many of the SGI sounds; however, not all are implanted correctly due to certain restrictions.

Enough with the chatter... enjoy the set, but please send me some encouraging e-mail ( to let me know that people are appreciating my work... it's not exactly easy work and takes a lot of time. Maybe in the future I'll release new soundsets, but for now I'm happy with the most popular soundset currently available (and in my opinion the best soundset, even better than Apple's).


P.S. I would like to thank the many, many people who took the time to e-mail me and make the SGI Soundset one of the best Soundsets available.



$5 Shareware. Send check or money to:

Mariel Lohninger - Midnight Oil Images
1229 Smithwood Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Version History

SGI Soundset Final Release - final release, I tried to implant as many sounds from the SGI as I could, but certain restrictions make this impossible. (i.e. both Apple's and SGI's sounds differ in usage)

SGI Soundset Release b4 - fourth release, took a little longer to make since I also h@cked (safety measure against GeoCities bots) the #snd resource (apparently that's where you specify the characteristics of a specific sound, such as how many times a sound plays with a specific action.) I also included a number of new sound files in beta 4. However, I expect it to take at least two more beta releases for it to be fully complete. I also included two alert sounds for you to put in your system (I couldn't implant the crash sound... this is the best I can do :) )

SGI Soundset Release b3 - third release, taking only 20 minutes and fixes a few annoying sounds, especially with clicking, dragging, and dropping.

SGI Soundset Release b2 - second release, first public release after an hour of sweat I doubled the amount of SGI sounds in the set. However, I'm still figuring out which sounds do what, therefore there still are some Platinum Sounds in the set. Fixes slow selecting bug.

SGI Soundset Release b1 - first release, provided many basic sounds of the SGI, but was never released, since it had too too few sounds.



"THANK YOU!!!!! The happy sounds make my trusty Powerbook 1400 sound sooooo hi-tech. My girlfriend, who also has a Silicon box behind her at work (doesn't everyone?) recognized the bleeps and zings immediately. I've adopted the soundset as a permanent replacement for the stock 8.5 set. Keep up the great work, and kudos on figuring out how to hack the set together without "official" Apple support."
Ken Cox - maker of Switcheroo


"Your MacOS port of the SGI soundset is awesome! Keep up the great work."
Brian Nkamoto -


"I love the SGI soundset you made for Mac OS 8.5x. Having used SGI boxes extensively in the past, I remember and appreciate most of the sounds in your port to an OS 8.5x audio theme, if you will. I'm going to download the latest release (#4) shortly. Keep up the good work!"
Chris Demeter

"I recently came across your SGI sounds. Just wanted to say thanks for putting forth the effort to make this happen. I too have always thought the SGI sounds were accurate to the task and descriptive. I have 1 SGI and 5 Macs in my office. All 6 machines now sound alike thanks to you."


"Just a quick note to let you know that your new SGI sound set totallyrocks!"
Marc Wisniewski - Imadgine Video Systems


& many, many, many more!

Everything ©1999 Mariel Lohninger. None of the products available on this page may be distributed elsewhere.