Written with a pen
Written with a pen
Sealed with a kiss
If you love me,
please answer this:
Do you love me or do you not?
You told me once but I'd forgot
So tell me now
and say it true
So I can tell you I love you
Out of all the boys and girls I've met,
You're the one I wont forget
And if I die before you die
I'll go to heaven and wait for you
And if you're not there by judgement day
I'll know you have gone the other way
I'll give the angel back their wings
And risk the lost of everything
Just to prove my love is true
I'll go to hell to be with you.

I am the poet writing of my pain
I am a person living a life of shame
I am your daughter hiding my depression
I am your sister making a good impression
I am your friend acting like I'm fine
I am a wisher wishing this life weren't mine
I am a girl who thinks of suicide
I am a teenager pushing her tears aside
I am a student who doesn't have a clue
I am a girl sitting next to you
I am the one asking you to care
I am your best friend hoping you will be there.
As you sit in silence
Wondering why
I'll be your shoulder to cry
Until your tears dry

When you're hurt
And can't believe what they've done
If you need someone to talk to
I'll be the one

If a close friend hurts you
And you don't understand
Remember I'm here
I'll lend a helping hand

Burnden are lighter when carried by two
And I just want you to know
I'm here for you.
Rescue Me
You rescue me...
From my own storm...
Eyes so sincere...
Your smile warm...
Lost in the clouds
Of uncertainty...
You held me close
But let me be
You took my hands
Heart of a friend
You promised it would never end
Now that I see
Through all the gray
I've noticed you turn away
Have you ever see the sun trying to come through or was I just wrong to believe in you?
Open my heart- too soon, too fast,
I should have known it wouldn't last
A special friend,
Wrong in time,
you never could be
would be mine.
And now I wonder, when you rescued me...
Have you always planned on setting me free?
Next page
This is not my poems. I got it from the nets and some friends' site to entertain you. I will put my own poem up here soon.