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Oct 2003

Can you say the Titans?
AOM: the Titans is realesd

VOA goes on recruiting spree

:: posted by oNLy1

Sept 2003

Some new additions have been made to the site
The Forum is under re contruction
VOA is now playing Rise of Nations

that makes: 5 RTS games

:: posted by oNLy1

Aug 2003

With some attempts to spread out the powers that be among the other
VOA members has come to the conclusion that it will not work.
We attempted to give some members the leadership in are other games
With some but very little succes, VOA_LdR is taken back all control
With VOA_FieNd still as co-leader.

:: posted by oNLy1

July 2003

VOA_FieNd hits 2000 pts in chess
much luv to da FieNd

:: posted by oNLy1


VOA™ | oNLy1