Welcome to my Guestbook!

Skysurfer - 12/03/00 14:54:35
My Email:utopian_skies@hotmail.com
Interests: Hhhmmm....
Location: Malaysia
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Hhhhmmm...
Mood after seeing page^_^;;: Wow...

Incredible. :)

Erik - 09/06/00 02:24:52
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/erikkhoo
My Email:erikkhoo@hotmail.com
Location: Perth, OZ
Gender: Male
Mood after seeing page^_^;;: Inspired and Amazed

Great work! I never knew you were such a brilliant and creative artist. Enjoyed my visit a lot. Thanks for sharing.

Ricky - 07/14/00 04:27:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/rekey2000
My Email:rekey2000@yahoo.com
Interests: websites, computers, internet, tennis and more!
icq No.: I currently don't have one
Location: Indonesia
Gender: MALE


818 - 07/13/00 01:58:52
Mood after seeing page^_^;;: *grin*

Cool...but needs a little extra work...:)

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