These stories contain nudity, lesbianism and violence. Except for actual incidents involving real people, all characters, actions and events described are fictitious.

Mitzi in Hollywood Chapter 12: Memories of Korea - 1952 by Kim and Ginny

The sun was setting as Gretchen kissed Stella Stevens, Natalie Wood and Janet Leigh good-bye at the front door.

"I hope you girls enjoyed the show and your workout today. Same time the day after tomorrow?" Stella and Natalie smiled and nodded eagerly.

"This is great," Stella gushed. "We sure didn't have nothin' like this back in Hot Coffee, Mississippi. I can't wait til' I move here full time. This is a fun way o' life."

Janet giggled and hugged her young friend. "Especially if you spend it hanging out with Gretchen and her girls. This is the greatest little 'private club' in a town full of them. You can't go wrong with Miss Gretchen."

Gretchen closed the door and turned to Eva with a small, tight grin spreading across her cruel lips.

"How are the bruises? Did that session in the steam room help?"

Eva nodded, "Yes Ma'am, I'm fine now. Just a couple of places, but nothing I haven't had plenty of before. Anyway, Karin was wondering what you wanted us to do with that Nikki now. She's been working on her for a couple of hours. They're both about wore out."

"OK," Gretchen sighed, "get her cleaned up and bring her upstairs for dinner. We'll see if she's learned her lesson."

As Eva turned to go, she paused and looked back at her Aunt over her shoulder, "Are we going to get to play with her tonight? I liked what we did with Stella last week. This one will be even more fun, I think."

Gretchen laughed. "Oh, I'm planning on playing with this one for months yet, don't worry. Yes, after dinner I have to go out for a few hours, but when I get home we'll get together in my bedroom. I want to try out something on her. If I'm right about her, you'll like what happens."

Eva went back to the basement where cousin Karin was sitting in a chair in front of Nikki and swinging a short leather strap against her leg. Nikki was tied face down on a leather exercise "horse" with her wrists and ankles cuffed to the base. Her nude body glistened with perspiration from her writhing and squirming against her bonds as she was teased and tormented by the cruel teenage girls for the past two hours.

"She's awake again," Karin laughed as she softly slapped Nikki's cheek with the strap, "Want to start over or pick up where we left off when she passed out?"

Eva shook her head.

"The slave gets a break. Aunt Gretchen wants us to clean her up and get her ready for dinner. I think she has something special planned for later tonight."

She picked up the key ring and started to unlock Nikki's cuffs while Karin walked around the horse and ran her hands slowly over Nikki's overheated body.

"Ummmm, she's very responsive to stimuli, just like those laboratory animals back in school. She'd make a good subject for our senior project. It's a shame we can't take her back with us. She'd be perfect for that punishment-reward study we were talking about."

Nikki shivered at the thought of these two teen tormentors having her under their control for any extended period of time.

The two teenage girls each slipped under one of Nikki's arms as they carried her limp body between them into the shower where they scrubbed her until her pale body was pink and rosy from the rubbing. Then they dried her from head to toe. Karin paid close attention to every crevice and crease of her body while Eva slowly and lovingly combed her hair and dried it. When they finished she was glowing, as much from their handling of her as anything. When she tried to stand, Nikki's knees nearly buckled and Karin caught her arm to steady her. They dressed her in a sheer white cotton dress that clung to every curve and angle of her slender body. A pair of matching mules completed her wardrobe.

"You'd better lean on us or you might fall and injure yourself," Eva said as they guided her upstairs to meet Gretchen in the dining room for dinner. While Gretchen, Karin and Eva chatted gaily at dinner, Nikki sat silently as she had been instructed to do, speaking only when she was spoken to and only then to answer, "Yes Ma'am" or "No Ma'am" to their questions or to agree with their remarks. As the maid cleared the dishes, Gretchen told Eva and Karin, "Bring her up to my room after you've changed for bed. I have a story that will entertain you all." They both smiled and, giggling and laughing, dragged poor Nikki upstairs to their room where they had her help them shower and change into their night clothes. Then they all joined Gretchen in her bed.

This is the story Gretchen told them while she, Eva and Karin fondled Nikki who squirmed and moaned as Gretchen told her the story of Mitzi's "unknown" fight with Sheree North when they were entertaining the UN troops on a USO tour in 1952.


I wouldn't have known about any of this except for a lucky break. After Mitzi's first fight against Debra Paget, Frank had me take Debra to the hospital just to be sure she didn't have any serious injuries. One of the nurses recognized Debra from the movies and we got to chatting about how Debra had been hurt. When I mentioned Mitzi Gaynor's name, this blonde started laughing up a storm. She told me most of what I'm gonna tell you, but I found this (she held up a copy of the Armed Forces Newspaper "Stars and Stripes") and later I talked to another woman who told me much of the same stuff and added more to the story so I know it's true.

(Nikki tried to interrupt, but Gretchen silenced her with a sharp glare as Eva grabbed her by the hair and forced her face down between Karin's legs. Eva rolled over on Nikki's back, reached around and grabbed her breasts in both hands, giving them a squeeze to ensure compliance. "That'll give your wagging tongue something to do while Mistress Gretchen tells the story, you worthless slut." Nikki whimpered but started to lap at Karin's sweet pussy. She knew the price of failing to please one of her teen tormentors when they demanded it.) Gretchen went on with her story.

Anyway, this nurse had been in Korea when Mitzi was touring there. She told me this story about what she'd seen at one of Mitzi's USO shows. I went to the library and found a picture and story about Mitzi in "Stars and Stripes." She went to Korea during the war there to sing and dance for the troops. Mitzi had been voted "The Girl We'd Most Like to Share a Foxhole With" by the GI's in 1951 and she was hoping to win it again. The competition for what was being called "Miss Foxhole" had been building and by this point it was considered a dead heat between she and Sheree North. (Nikki looked up in surprise, but Karin and Eva forced her mouth back down where it belonged.)

"Yes, that's right Nikki," Gretchen said, "the same Sheree North she fought a while ago."

In the beginning, Mitzi seemed a shoo-in to win the "Miss Foxhole" contest again, but Sheree had been really putting on a show for the boys at the previous stops and by this part of the tour Mitzi was really starting to feel the pressure. This happened at one of the hospital camps pretty close to the front and they were doing the show in this boxing ring, but the ropes had been taken down to turn it into a stage.

Well, Mitzi was up there doing her dance routine when all of a sudden Sheree bursts out of the dressing room in a very skimpy outfit and starts this wildly energetic and erotic dance. This was supposed to be Mitzi's time on the stage, but if Sheree was trying to up stage her and it seemed to work 'cause pretty soon, the guys shouting "Sheree" are drowning out the ones still yelling for Mitzi. The GI's were going wild at the sight of these two beautiful dancers, hardly wearing anything at all, shaking their asses and bouncing around the little stage.

Mitzi must have realized that Sheree was winning over the GI's cause pretty soon she stopped dancing and just stood there near the edge glaring at Sheree, who continued delighting in her success. She was so bold now that she came and stood right next to Mitzi wiggling hips into Mitzi with her hands over her head, like she has already won the contest. She leaned towards Mitzi whispering something and Mitzi blushed and then hip-bumped Sheree who lost her balance, teetered awkwardly on the edge and the fell unceremoniously off the stage.

As the crowd broke out into a roaring laughter at Sheree's expense, Mitzi winks and shrugs her shoulders like she doesn't know what happened. Luckily, Sheree landed on a bunch of grateful GI's and although she wasn't hurt, she got a good groping before she freed herself and scrambled back up into the stage. Mitzi isn't really paying attention to anything but the applause she's getting and she's laughing because it seems so funny - until she sees the enraged look on Sheree's face as she gets back up on the stage. Like I said, they've been traveling together around Korea from camp to camp and Sheree has been trying to upstage her at each event - with a lot of success. Now all of a sudden, everyone's laughing at her including Mitzi.

Sheree charged Mitzi, who seemed frozen by the fire she saw in Sheree's eyes.

"Why you bitch, you could have broke my leg! There's NO excuse for knocking me off like that. I'm gonna teach you a lesson that's long overdue," screams Sheree as she starts slapping Mitzi's face.

Mitzi goes in retreat with her hands up, but in her haste she trips over her own feet and goes ass over elbows with Sheree all over her. Mitzi kicks, squirms and shrieks, but Sheree pins her down with one hand in her short auburn hair, failing away with her other.

Quickly two MP's come and pull the still enraged blond off as another helps a shaken Mitzi back to her feet. Seems Mitzi got in one good claw to Sheree's face, but Mitzi looked a little "worse for wear," with her upper lip bleeding a little and her hair was a fright. The soldiers are all chanting, "Let 'em fight." Bob Hope and the General conferred and decided that a wrestling match between Mitzi and Sheree would be just the treat that the thousands of horny soldiers deserved. Hope talks to Sheree and she does a little jig, clapping her hands. The general talks to Mitzi and she shrugs and looks around nervously as a couple of the GI's start putting up the ropes.

The General appoints a referee who calls the dancers to the middle of the ring. Bob Hope was grinning ear to ear, obviously looking forward to them fighting. He looked out at the sea of GI's and asked 'em who has the best body. There was a roar for both, of course, but again Sheree seemed to have the edge, maybe due to her more revealing outfit but Mitzi grabbed the microphone and, "thank you'd" the crowd for their support like she'd won.

The announcer grabs it back and says, "Well now, it looks like 'Miss Foxhole 1952 is gonna be a real battle after all."

He asks each girl a few questions, sort of to give them a chance to insult each other for the crowd.

Sheree laughs at Mitzi, saying, "She needs that flared skirt to hide her fat bottom."

Mitzi's temper flared like her skirt and she says her bottom is, "well rounded but with muscles."

Then she turns to the audience, lifts her skirt and bends over from the waist, thrusting her bottom at the screaming men. "At least I don't have a flat ass like the one you probably got sitting on it while you watch 'a real dancer' perform." Then she cups her breasts and shakes them at Sheree, "and I won't even mention those fried eggs of yours."

Sheree grabbed the microphone from Mitzi, "Cut the cheap talk Gaynor. You aren't the first bitch I've had to show who's the boss. Put 'em up and show the troops what you really got."

Which, of course, is exactly what Sheree intends, show the men the goodies Mitzi had been hiding under wraps the entire tour, using that coy act the way she still does. They're about to let them loose and the troops start to raise hell, screaming, whistling, cheering and waving their hats in the air. Everyone's on their feet, even the Commanding General. Mitzi's knees were trembling as the middle rope went up. Still hoping to avoid a fight, she put out her hand.

"Look Sher, that bump was just a mistake. I didn't mean anything by it really. Can't we just forget about it? Kiss and make up?"

Sheree laughed. "It's too late for that now, Gaynor. You should have begged for my forgiveness right off, maybe...just maybe, I'd have let you off with a warning. Now it's too late, I want my pound of flesh."

Mitzi got ready for a fight but she was reluctant to hit first since her heart wasn't really into fighting. She had no idea what to do so she waited to see what Sheree would do. She started off by insulting Mitzi, jabbing at her half-bared breasts with her long nails.

Those at ringside heard her say, "Hell Mitzi, I'm a better dancer, everyone can see it. Not only are my legs better, they're stronger too - as you're going to find out. Hell, don't take my word for it, ask the men."

She waved her hand toward the audience, calling for their applause. Most of them couldn't hear what she was saying and thought she wanted them to encourage Mitzi to fight, so they applauded wildly. "Poor Mitzi," (Gretchen said sarcastically) she must have thought that they were agreeing with Sheree because Nurse Hoolihan, who told me about it, said she looked like she wanted to crawl in a hole and hide."

As soon as the soldiers got the top rope in place, Sheree started to push Mitzi, shoving her in the shoulders. She kept pushing and Mitzi kept backing up, moving in a circle. Sheree told her how she's going to tear her up, strip off her clothes and destroy her dignity right there in front of all those men. Mitzi was frightened, here she was a 22 year old woman and this "kid" - Sheree was barely out of her teens - was pushing her around like some school yard bully.

Mitzi was even more modest in those days and she'd never been in a fight before in her life except once on the playground when she was 12 and beat up little Mark McFergus. She was intimidated by the thought of being stripped in front of thousands of horny men who hadn't seen a naked woman in months, if not years. Sheree pushed her three or four more times. "Come on an' fight, you coward. Shaking your fat ass for the boys won't help you now, bitch. You'll fight or they'll see what a coward you are. Either way, you're gettin' nekkid for the boys. I want 'em to see what they're fighting for."

Mitzi was clearly reluctant to do anything, so the soldiers started chanting Sheree's name and ignoring Mitzi. Sheree said something and when Mitzi didn't reply, Sheree pushed her again, this time a lot harder. Mitzi stumbled and fell back against the ropes. Sheree thrust a finger in her breast again, really hard. "And these won't help you at all. They'll just be in your way." With her back to the ropes and the troops screaming for a fight, Mitzi pushed Sheree away and started quickly across the ring toward the steps. "I'm not going to stay here and listen to any more of your crude comments. I'm leaving." But Sheree caught up to her, grabbed her arm and spun her around. She was toe-to-toe with Mitzi, once again daring her to fight. "Miss Foxhole, ha!!! Baby, I'm going to show EVERYBODY your fox hole in about one minute." Still, Mitzi was hesitant to act.

Finally, Mitzi could take no more and answered Sheree's taunts, "You're so jealous! You can't stand watching the audience salivate over me every night. You're a nothin' but a supporting player and, with your talent, that's all you'll ever be." She finished and felt proud of herself, but that's when Sheree hooked her right foot behind Mitzi's left and shoved. Mitzi's feet flew up as she fell. She landed flat on her cute bottom and bounced once as the troops howled at her embarrassment. She sat there a moment as Sheree laughed and told her, "Get up and fight." She scrambled to her feet, red-faced and angry and she finally lashed out, directing a hard slap right at Sheree's open mouth....but the slap was clumsy and obvious. Sheree just leaned back and when it missed, Mitzi was off balance and vulnerable.

Sheree slammed her right fist into Mitzi's exposed belly and she doubled over holding her stomach, her knees wobbly. Sheree stepped back and pointed at the red-faced dancer as she desperately sucked air into her burning lungs. "It's just like a lump of dough," Sheree said to a bunch of laughing soldiers at ringside. "I bet the rest is just as soft. Wanna see it?" The soldiers whooped and hollered as Sheree started to stalk Mitzi who staggered back rubbing her stomach and looking over her shoulder for the steps down from the ring. (Gretchen told her nieces that back then Mitzi had auburn hair, her natural color, something Nikki already knew from close personal observation).

Before Mitzi could get through the ropes, Sheree grabbed her wrist, pulled her back to the ring, spun her around and twisted the arm up into a hammerlock. Sheree grabbed a handful of Mitzi's hair to complete the hold. Mitzi screamed, more in fear and surprise than pain, and rose up on her toes to relieve the pressure on her arm. "Hey, wha....?" Seeing her expression, the men on her side of the ring started to laugh and point at her as Sheree paused to mug for them, sticking out her tongue and wiggling her hips before she started to drag Mitzi backwards across the ring.

Mitzi was screaming and kicking her feet, trying to pull free. Her face was getting red and her mouth was moving as she screamed in pain. Sheree seemed to be enjoying herself, because she stopped a couple of times to kick Mitzi in the ass, then resumed dragging her. The audience loved it. The soldiers were roaring with laughter at the comical sight of one woman dragging another and kicking her ass. Mitzi was being humiliated and it only made her angrier, if that was possible. When Sheree reached the corner she spun Mitzi around and slammed her breasts into the corner turnbuckle. The men in the first few rows could hear Mitzi grunt and curse.

It was clear that Sheree was in complete control, but she got careless. She rammed Mitzi's breasts into the corner a second time, but lost her grasp on her arm. Mitzi twisted around and kicked Sheree in the shins then threw herself at Sheree. They went down with Sheree losing her grip on Mitzi's hair, although she pulled out a nice size clump and drew a pained yelp from Mitzi.

Sheree rolled over and when Mitzi tried to get up she kicked out and drove her high heel square into Mitzi's left tit. The cow whimpered and rolled around holding herself while Sheree got to her feet. She did this leap in the air and came down with her full weight on Mitzi's chest. Her feet flew up in the air and her head snapped forward, gasping for air. Sheree rolled off and jumped to her feet, grinning at the crowd as she put her foot down on Mitzi's throat and clasped her hands over her head.

(Gretchen held up a newspaper with a picture of Sheree, standing over a blond that might have been Mitzi. She was posed as the victor. Gretchen read the caption, "Sheree North celebrates after burying Mitzi Gaynor in Miss Foxhole Contest." Nikki turned her head, trying to see the picture, but Eva's sharp slap on her bottom got her mind, and her tongue, back on Karin's pussy - where it belonged. Eva, Karin and Gretchen laughed as they looked at it. Then Gretchen resumed her story.)

Mitzi's face was getting red as she pawed at Sheree's foot on her throat so Sheree took her foot off and as Mitzi rolled over coughing, Sheree reached over her shoulders from behind, hooked her fingers under the bottom of Mitzi's halter and yanked it off over her head. You should have heard the cheer from the woman-hungry GI's when they got a look at Mitzi's titties. Hell, even Shirley admits she's got a nice set although she swears she'll nail them to her trophy wall before she's finished with her. You almost could feel sorry for Mitzi. I mean, she probably never had a man look at her tits before, let along 15,000 of them at once. She blushed from head to toe and covered her chest with both hands as she tried to get up and run away.

Sheree knew just what she was doin' because she waited 'til Mitzi was on her feet and then grabbed her by that silly, frilly skirt and pulled. The darnn thing tore loose and as Sheree unwound it from around her waist, Mitzi went spinning across the ring like a top. She didn't stop 'til she hit the ropes. It took almost a minute for her head to stop spinning and she'd just got a leg through the ropes to climb out when Sheree grabbed a handful of her satin panties and lifted her up. If Mitzi never got a wedgie before, she got one then, cause Sheree about lifted her clean in the air. She dragged Mitzi back out into the ring and swung her around holding her by the waistband of her panties. Mitzi was screaming at the top of her lungs when Sheree let go!

Mitzi went flying to the ropes face-first and bounced off. She flopped on her back with a loud grunt and lay sobbing, her legs squeezed together modestly while she covered her breasts with both arms. "Now let's show all these fine young men what you're hiding," Sheree laughed as she straddled Mitzi's thighs and started to pull her dance panties down over her hips. "No!" Mitzi screamed, "Pleeeeeeeeze, NOOOO!!" Sheree was laughing uproariously and the men were on their feet crowding the ring for a better look as Sheree slowly pulled Mitzi's panties down over her thighs, then her knees all the way to her ankles.

Mitzi let go of her breasts with one hand and used it to cover her pussy mound, but Sheree wasn't going to let her off that easy. She twisted the panties around Mitzi's ankles and rolled her onto her belly, much to Mitzi's relief. It made it easier to hide her nudity on her stomach with her elbows against the sides of her chest and her legs squeezed tight together. But Sheree wasn't going to stop now! She sat on the back of Mitzi's thighs and started to spank her pale, upturned asscheeks, making them dance with a flurry of open-handed blows. Mitzi's pale ass turned pink and then red as she struggled to reach behind her to protect her bottom without uncovering her bosom. It was impossible.

Mitzi's cries became more pitiful as Sheree continued to spank her and finally, in desperation, she reached back with both hands to try to protect her bottom. It was the moment Sheree had been waiting for! She easily caught both of Mitzi's wrists before she realized what was happening and pulled back hard, leaning back to use her weight for leverage. Mitzi's eyes widened in terror when it dawned on her what was happening as her chest came off the mat. Her big breasts swinging beneath her for everyone to ogle.

"Hey, how'd she get that bruise on her tit," an officer called out, pointing to a large, dark bruise on Mitzi's left breast.

"Fuck that," said another, "Lookit 'er nips. Damn they got hard! The bitch is lovin' this, ain't she?"

Mitzi shook her head and moaned, "No, No.....Oh, God, please no." Sheree just kept laughing and pulling until Mitzi was up on her knees with her arms stretched out straight behind her in Sheree's powerful grasp.

Sheree shook Mitzi from side to side, bouncing her breasts and giving the men a good, long look at her woolly little pussy at the same time. Mitzi's head hung down, her hair hanging over her eyes while she sobbed uncontrollably, her tears falling on the mat and making a little pattern in front of her on the dusty mat.

Finally, Sheree pulled Mitzi up to her feet by the hair. She's weakly trying to cover her breasts and pussy with her hands, but Sheree grabs her wrists and pulls her hands away. She turned around Mitzi slowly and yells to the cheering troops, "There's the OLD foxhole..." then as she suggestively rubs her own pussy...."and this is the NEW foxhole. Which one do YOU wanna spend a night in?"

As expected, there's wild applause and whistles from the troops. Sheree has one hand in her hair with the other twisting Mitzi's arm back into that hammerlock so her back arches and makes those big tits of hers stick out even more. In that position, Mitzi's free hand can't quite reach her pussy to cover it or to protect herself from Sheree's groping. She grabs a handful of Mitzi's pussy and starts to rub her up good.

That's when the General climbed into the ring and snapped at Sheree, "Let her go. That's enough." Sheree yanks Mitzi's head back by the hair, looks at her and asks, "Have you had enough bitch?" Mitzi whimpers, "Oh yes, please. . . don't hurt me any more." Smiling triumphantly, Sheree slams Mitzi down on the mat face first. She bounces once, rolls over and pulls her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and weeping uncontrollably in her shame and humiliation. Sheree kicks Mitzi in the thigh a couple of times and teases, "See, I told you my legs are stronger. Yours are only bigger 'cause they're so fat." unwrapped Mitzi's panties from her ankles and the General helped her to her feet. He took off his coat and put it around Mitzi's shoulders, then put his arm protectively around her shoulders.

Sheree stands there, posing with her legs spread and her hands on her hips, her head thrown back and big grin on her face. The troops booed Mitzi when she leaves with the General. Mitzi clasped the coat together in front of her and covered her pussy with her other hand as the General held the ropes so she could climb through. He hustled her through the crowd to his tent as Bob Hope climbed into the ring and did several jokes about spanking that brought the house down. Then he brought Sheree to the middle of the ring and held her arm up while the troops gave her a standing ovation. She did a couple of high kicks and another splits, then a back flip that set off another round of wild applause. She was carried out of the ring on the shoulders of several troops while Hope brought on Jerry Colonna to do more "paddle" jokes.

Gretchen was giggling at the sight of Nikki, her face buried between Karin's legs and her hips jutting in the air as Eva gave her a tongue-lashing of her own. Nikki was so aroused by the story about Mitzi's humiliation that Eva had little trouble bringing her to a soaring climax that left her limp.

"Well," Gretchen said as she pulled Nikki across the bed to her and spread her legs, "the upshot of the whole thing was that Nikki's ex-girlfriend was so humiliated by what Sheree did, she quit the tour the next day and flew back to Tokyo. Everybody knew why, but the Army hushed it up. Even so, word got out pretty quick. But that wasn't the only thing that happened on that trip. It's my understanding she hid out in Tokyo and took some fighting lessons. She was afraid it'd seem strange if she went back to the States ahead of the others. It would only attract more attention to her and that's something she definitely didn't want to do at that point. If you girls behave, maybe some night I'll tell you the rest of the story, it's even funnier."

"But Aunt Gretchen," Eva asked, "Did Sheree win the 'Foxhole contest after that?"

Nikki kept working hard on Gretchen as Karin moved behind and took Eva's place satisfying Nikki.

"Oh yes, she won the contest easily after word got around about what happened. They still talk about it."

Nikki sobbed softly, heartsick at the thought her former lover having been so terribly and so publicly humiliated. It did, however, explain Mitzi's terribly modesty for even today when she lost an article of apparel in the ring, it sent her into a tizzy. Opponents knew and took advantage of it. Now she finally understood why Mitzi reacted so poorly in those situations. She hoped that someday she could tell her ex-lover that she knew and finally understood her pain.

Continue to Mitzi Chapter Thirteen