
Virtues of Soy
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Virtues of Soy Website!
"Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, and Thy Medicine Be Thy Food"
Hippocrates, Father of Medicine
460-377 B.C.

"Nothing Will Benefit Human Health And Increase Chances For Survival Of Life On Earth As Much As The Evolution To A Vegetarian Diet"

Albert Einstein, Physicist
This website will provide you with information about soy foods and the book "Virtues of Soy: A Practical Health Guide and Cookbook" by Monique N. Gilbert. Here you will find out about soy's health advantages, the best types of soy foods, their culinary versatility, and how to enjoy a new way of eating and living.  So come on in and have a look around. (Click on any of these links to go directly to each section, or continue down this page to find out what the author has to say . . . )
Learn About Soy's Many Health Benefits
Read Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Soy
Discover The Healthy Soy Foods Used In This Book
Try The Recipe Of The Month
Get Information About The Author, Monique N. Gilbert
Find Out What This Book Is About and How It Can Be Ordered
Explore The Soy Health Articles by Monique N. Gilbert
  Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc.

  Natural Health Advocate,
  Certified Personal Trainer/Fitness Counselor,
  Vegetarian and Vegan Recipe Developer,
  Soy Food Connoisseur,
  Author, Artist and Freelance Writer
"Don't put off your health any longer! Remember that you are in control of what and how you eat. Your body needs balanced, high-quality, nutrient-dense foods to function properly, fight off illness and achieve peek performance. Your taste buds need healthy foods to be delicious in order to become a permanent part of your daily diet.

Start taking an active role in improving your health and well being by including soy foods in your everyday cooking and learn how to make them taste absolutely wonderful. Eat well, live long and be grateful for what you have in this life!"
If you're serious about enhancing your health and diet,
order your copy of

   Virtues of Soy:
A Practical Health Guide and Cookbook


Click Here to go to the
Book Description & Ordering Information Page
Copyright © 2000-2007 by Monique N. Gilbert  - All rights reserved.
Permission must be obtained to use information from this site.

This site is only intended to offer health information to help you understand the benefits of soy and soy-based products, and how to incorporate them into your diet and lifestyle. It is not intended to diagnose, dispense medical advise or prescribe the use of diet as a form of treatment for illness without medical approval. In the event you use this information without a health practitioner's approval, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your right. However, the publisher and author assume no responsibility.
E-mail: virtuesofsoy@yahoo.com
Discover How Soy Can Benefit Your Health, Which Soy Foods Are Best, and How Easy It is To Make Soy Foods Taste Really Great!
Click here to buy this book from Amazon.com
Home : Book & Order Info : Author Bio : Health Benefits : Soy FAQs : Soy Foods : Soy Articles : Soy Recipes
Click here to learn more about Monique
Click here to buy this book at Barnes&Nobel.com
If you are concerned about soy,
please visit these two excellent sites that go into great detail about
soy safety
and who's behind the anti-soy campaign. 

1.  By John Robbins (The Food Revolution and EarthSave)

2.  By Virginia Messina, MPH, RD & Mark Messina, PhD (Vegan Outreach)
Home : Book & Order Info : Author Bio : Health Benefits : Soy FAQs : Soy Foods : Soy Articles : Soy Recipes
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