Information on the D:
D was formed in March 2003. The first few members of this band are, Asagi, Rena, Sin, Ruiza & Hiroki. Asagi, Ruiza & Sin were ex-members of another band, "Syndrome". But, Sin left the band in June 2003, shortly after the band was formed. And Ruiza was suddenly hospitalised. Thus, D had to stop all of their activities temporary.
On 27.11.2003, D was back again with a new member, Hide-zou, to replace Sin's position. And on that same day, they've held a Live concert, "Believe or not Believe", at Meguro Rokumeikan.


Name: Asagi
Gender: Male
Role: Vocalist
Bithday Date: 29 August
Blood Type: A
Height: 178
Hometown: Akita

Name: Hiroki
Gender: Male
Role: Guitarist
Birthday: 20 July
Blood Type: AB
Height: 178
Hometown: Gunma

Name: Rena
Gender: Male
Role: Bassist
Birthday: 23 April
Blood Type: O
Height: 175
Hometown: Wakayama

Name: Ruiza
Gender: Male
Role: Guitarist
Birthday: 18 February
Blood Type: A

Name: Hide-zou
Gender: Male
Role: Guitarist
Birthday: 19 November
Blood Type: O
Height: 172
Hometown: Doitsu

Name: Sin
Gender: Male
Left the band on: June 2003
Role: 1st Guitarist

--> 1st CD "New Blood" (3000 copies limited & it's already sold out), 18.07.2003
--> CD "Paradox" (5000 copies limited), 07.01.2004
--> Single "CANNONBALL vol.1", 25.02.2004

Live Schedule:
D's Tour (Some information might be wrong)
15.12.2003 -- Shibuya O-WEST
24.12.2003 -- Takadanobaba AREA
27.12.2003 -- Harajuku Astro Hall
31.12.2003 -- Yokohama Akarenga, Building number 1, 3F Hall
14.01.2004 -- Hiroshima Namiko Junction
15.01.2004 -- Osaka MUSE
17.01.2004 -- Nagoya Bottom Line
24.01.2004 -- Takadanobaba AREA One man, "Genjitsu to Higenjitsuteki no Paradox"
14.02.2004 -- Esaka Boomin Hall (session)
15.02.2004 -- Esaka Boomin Hall
18.02.2004 -- Takadanobaba AREA, "Mad Tea Party VOL.2", special guest: GULLET, 12012, Gimmick, phylia & Duel Jewel
26.02.2004 -- Nagoya ELL
27.02.2004 -- Sendai JUNK BOX
29.02.2004 -- Kawasaki CLUB CITTA
05.03.2004 -- Osaka BIG CAT
06.03.2004 -- Nagoya ELL

-Coming Soon-