Last updated on May 25, 2005

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My Oaxaca Home
Pocahontas said it best, "We are all connected to each other."  I first discovered this when I lived in Mexico during my junior year in college  with the Gonzalez family then reaffirmed it while serving in the Peace Corps in Tanzania, East Africa.  My travels since then have taken me around the world and I have always  been blessed to meet kind, gracious people in every land.  I have lived in Texas,  South Dakota, Philadelphia, Hawaii, Tanzania  and  Mexico. 

I speak pretty good Spanish and Swahili. If you corner me to name my favorite country I will say Mexico. My favorite city would be Florence, Italy. I love all kinds of food, especially Mexican, Thai, Tex-Mex, Italian and Chinese. I really feel that I am a Citizen of the World rather than American. I am comfortable wherever I land. 

I recently retired to Oaxaca, Mexico, which is about 300 miles SW of Mexico City.  Don't miss my Oaxaca links at the left.  I haven't had a moustache all my life but when I shaved it off a couple of years ago after 21 years, I started growing it back immediately. You'll never see me without it. 

I have many interests: world travel, computers, good books, photography, music (everything except rap), exercise, working on my home, and spending time with my friends, family and Rusty, my faithful dog. I have too much education, probably trying to compensate for flunking out of the University of Texas my junior year. It was a real wakeup call for me and I went on to attend 6 colleges (U. of Texas, U. of Hawaii, U. of N. Colorado, Hawaii Pacific U., Syracuse U., & Monterrey Mex. Institute of Technology) and earned three degrees.  On a dare, I got into Mensa but decided the people there were not my type.  Living in Hawaii for 19 years, I had some incredible jobs.  I taught at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu for 12 years and served as Acting Dean of the Travel Industry Management Program.  I left Hawaii in 1990 after the cost of living became unbearable and most of my friends had returned to the mainland.. 

I am a third generation Texan although I lived away from the Lone Star State for 25 years.  My grandparents' hotel where I grew up is now a museum and I say you know you are old when your home is a museum and you're not President.  I have been fortunate to travel around the world. Australia is the only continent I haven't visited yet.  

Alexis & Bill overlooking OaxacaThe thing I am most proud of in my life is my daughter, Alexis, whom I raised as a single parent. She works for CBS in Boston where she graduated from Boston University. We are best friends and I truly feel blessed to have shared the life of such a remarkable person. She has my love for travel and feels that a jet plane is public transportation. 

I have been active in my church but I enjoy attending Buddhist ceremonies,  Catholic services, and other religious gatherings. My faith has carried me through difficult times and I know there is a power greater than me. In Oaxaca, I often stop and meditate at the Church of Santo Domingo. I have been in Saint Peter's Cathedral in Rome but I prefer Santo Domingo.

Santo Domingo Church in OaxacaIn addition to nurturing my mind and spirit, I try to keep my body in good shape by working out.  That requires more effort every year, if not everyday, especially with the excellent Oaxacan cooking.

I am very handy with tools and computers but I cannot cook. I think I have a fear that if I ever get hooked on cooking I will end up looking like James Beard or Dom De Luis. I do have an eating disorder though: if you put food in front of me I will eat it. I was Dining Editor for Hawaii Airlines in-flight magazine for a year and learned to appreciate good cuisine.

Travels with the
Gourmet G

Dance Festival
Click here to see some of my favorite photos
Mexico Photos

Day of the Dead is Mexico's best celebration
Halloween and

Day of the Dead 2003

The world is my oyster- check these photos
World Travel Photos

As a former webmaster for Dell Computers, I get called on to create websites all the time.  Check out my other websites at the right.

I have taken more than 4,000 photos since my return to Oaxaca in 2002.  Don't worry, you'll only see a few of the best.

Alexis in Mexico 2003

Alexis in Mexico 2002

Cacao Chocolates

Casa de la Luz

Casa del Angel, Cuernavaca

Hints for Tuning Up Your PC


The Learning Center

My Sister's Visit to Oaxaca

Oaxaca Update - Sept. 2004

Mendoza Tapetes

Texas City High School Class of 72

My permanent email address is: