






//Kir Mórn furMornütúlíaë

Basically, Mornütúlíaë was the first form of Mornaë. According to the people of Fáng, it was the language created by Mánderré, who was born of Danya’s sorrow. The whole story can be found below. Danya created the World and all the people on it, but it was Mánderré who had the gift of creating words and of song, and if you look you can often find links between Mornütúlíaë words and Mornaë words.. For example, Vanÿír (eagles) in the former language, became Vanÿa (there is such a strong connection here as the Eagles were among Danya’s most favoured creations). Also, the words for Shore (Mándanyír) and Sea (Mándekya) are derived from Mánderré. Another example can be found in the word “bur”, which, in Mornütúlíaë was the first word for the world, when the word remained darkness, and in Burravf, which means “night” in Mornaë.

Of course, Mornütúlíaë was a much more complicated language than the one born of it. Sentences often took many years to say, and the words were long, yet the formation of these words were not so complicated. However! Sometimes words would be attached to other words throughout the sentences for aesthetic value (or perhaps for some other reason that was lost when becoming Mornaë, or replaced with words followed or preceded by appostrophies such as Ac’) . In this, it’s almost impossible for anyone to ever know the language except for those who knew it originally.

Below is a very small dictionary of a few words. I had more, but they were stolen from me and I had to start again. Further below you can read the story of the creation, and how Mornütúlíaë was formed. I'm very, very slowly making this into a semi-workable language. It's very difficult, because of how the words are formed, and all sound alike, so it's hard to make words different from ones I already have, while keeping them the same length and theme as the ones I already have. It irritates me.

I- Svirré
You- Úrrë
He/She/it Dirr/é/qellé (dirrqellé)
They Tirré
We Sventé

My- Svior
Your- Úlunté
His/Hers/its Dilur/ré
Their Tiluré
Our Sveor

Me Vsirré (vey-svirré)
Him/her Ídr/ré (ee-drey/ee-dar-ay)
Them- Ítrré (ee-tray)
Us- Vsenté (vey-sventé)

Negatives: N’verbe+é
Eg: N’istellé
Verbs starting with a constanant:
N’diminé (en-dim-in-ay)

To be: Istellirya
Svirré istella
Úrr:e ístellé
Dirr/é/qellé and tirré istell
Sverté istelliya

To have: Tillirinya
Svirré tillira
Úrrë tilliré
Dirr/é/qellé and tirré tillir
Sverté tilliriya

To go: diminishya
Svirré dimína
Úrrë diminé
Dirr/é/qellé and tirré dimin
Sverté diminiya
To do/make: Purterya
Svirré púrta
Úrrë pürté
Dirr/é/qellé and tirré pürtt (pur-sh)
Sverté púrteya.


According to the First Book of Edrígu (which is followed by the people of Fáng who took a different path to those of their ancestors to the North whose focus is more on Danya than Edrígu and Tasya)- an abridged version of the Creation, and Recreation.

In the beginning the world was black, and from the blackness a flame lit, and grew and the flame was blue and white, and as it grew it took a shape and was called Danya’ír Drtíchïs- Danya the eternal. It was more beautiful than the darkness, and so light that any who looked upon it in later times were blinded, save for the First Children who were created of His flame. But the First Children were not created until many years hence. Danya’s flame could cause destruction or birth, and as He looked upon the blackness of the world He was not pleased. Into the word He reached, and He drew it up so the blackness was His home only, and it hung above the world and was then called burr, and all the time in the world was called burr, for there was nothing else. Now Danya looked on the world and knew that it was not yet complete and so He reached down again and drew up the earth and made mountains and the whole world was land- still in the darkness, but the darkness was broken by His light when he moved through his domain above the world to inspect his work. For a time, He was satisfied and so He made the trees and the animals and He placed these in his world and watched them as they explored and ate of His trees and grasses- and they were animals more fantastic than any that would ever be seen again, as Danya had poured his spirit and light and raw imagination into them. As they grew thirsty they came to the empty lakes and rivers and found that they could not drink, and so laid down and died. Danya watched and He did not understand, for he was made of flame and could not make water if he intended to. So, in a rage of frustration He burnt all the world and all the living animals, and then He wept, for He was much along and thought that He should be doomed to solitude forever.
But! As He wept, his tears filled the ocean, and the ocean flooded across the lower stretches of land and was called Mánderré and she was a spirit like Danya but born of Danya’s sorrow and anger, and so moves in rages against the cliffs, or trickles slowly and with much sadness from the heights of the mountains. And now Danya rejoiced as He shone upon Mánderré and she sang up to him in haunting tunes and calls such as He had never heard, and her waves washed against the lands he had created, and He was much contented and enchanted by her songs. Long He spoke to Mánderré and often they disagreed, but Mánderré owed before Danya as He was her King. As He was not only fire, but a brilliant light, oft_He came to her domain for short times (for her songs and her waters greatly weakened Him) to see what she had created. Of all her creations, He most admired the whales, for their song was much like hers (and sometimes equaled it in beauty), and they glided through the water as the Vanÿír (the eagles) he created once soared through the air and His domain. This saddened Danya greatly and He exited the House of Mánderré and sat upon the shores for many days as she watched Him.
Finally, in the most ancient tongues she spoke to him as water against the shore, and through her songs, and the words took many years for words were rarely spoken, but often thought, and Mánderré often had to create new words that expressed her feeling, and the feeling was shown through the sound or the pitch of the word as she spoke them, for she was the creator of speech and language, and this too delighted Danya and inspired much thought upon him.
“Whýkhínürré; sírramürré fílmétiró n’istellé mhürré kifúlënté…khínürré mhürré fílméntiró, býmíncaro skýmhýterré ílmornë, sílamöré.”- Recreate, she said, the ocean is not your place. Create your children and be joyful again. And now Danya looked to Mánderré and she was deeply saddened, as she knew that Danya would no longer walk with her as He once did when His children were recreated. As He took to His abode in the sky He could hear the whales singing out to Him from below, their calls and songs echoing through the blackness until He felt compelled to weep and return to the ocean and abide with Mánderré forever, but He did not, and instead remained in the sky and began to fashion the first of His creatures- the Vanÿír akin to those He had first created (for of all His creatures, it was the Vanÿír only that he could remember their structure and ways), and with the Vanÿír He created the wolves and to both of them He gave voices that He hoped would mimic the voices of the whales. Both held beautiful songs, but as it was not His songs that the whales were fashioned after (and nor were His songs or His voice as beautiful as that of Mánderré) and as they were created of His sorrow (for the whale songs continued), their voices were not as beautiful. These new creatures were not fashioned the same as His first, and lacked in the beauty and grace, and so He thought to turn his back on them; giving the power of creation to the First of the Vanÿír (and he was known only as Vanÿír), that he should rule over the skies below Danya’s domain, as he was the most noble of creatures that Danya had thus created.
Still He was not satisfied, and so looked again to Mánderré for assistance. Again she spoke (and again it took many years for the words to be created, and often she sent them to Danya in whale-song, as the ocean could not be heard from within his domain.) To Danya Mánderré sang: “Khínürré mhürré fílméntíró, shychíntarré kísélíro mhürrélysta…” –Make your children in a likeness of yourself.
Until now, Danya had not considered making figures likened to Himself, and so, in his great halls above the sky He sat for many long hours with a tiny Flame, and with this flame He descended to the earth and took it to the great shores of the ocean and there stood before Mánderré, and Mánderré observed his work, before finally she said unto Danya: “This work is but a flame- a likeness to Yourself, but a creature cannot live in the world without form. It would be follow to release these creatures into the world as they are, for a single breath of wind would extinguish them, and they would not come to me, for their flame is not as strong as Yours, and they would surely perish. Give them skin, but not feather or fur, and build them a city to the North that they can worship You, and make them equal to themselves and yet, let there be two kinds- as You and I are two kinds, and let them find love,” this word- love, took many months in itself, for love was something Danya had created (when He created and found Mánderré) but had not been able to give words to, but Mánderré listened to the whales and thought on how she felt for them and Danya, and finally found words that- when combined together, would express the feelings that made love, and the word was mhínülmortúmé:ílmornëílqentéfíldúr:ímarëantórmhíüalmoré, “and then they will move out and build their own cities and remember you and sing your name and know you as their first father. They cannot live as flames.” As this speech had taken several years, Danya had already begun to create these new creatures of which Mánderré sang. And He built them a city on the northern-most part of the world and created four different peoples; males and females, and Higher and Lower people. The Higher people He sat by the water so they would hear the whales upon waking. The Higher people he created First, and they would then be known as the First Children, though they had many flaws, they were the most perfect of his creations. Info the First Children He poured all his love and spirit, while the Lower-People were granted less attention and less nobility, as He was much fatigued already. There were, in the end of His Creation, Three different Children- the First, who were of the Higher-order, and who were more noble and beautiful than any to follow, but of these, He created only few. The Second Children were of the Higher-order also, but were not made of the first flame as the First Children were, and (although still noble) were only second in His love. Of these, He created many, and they loved the First Children more than any. The Third Children were of the Lesser-people and did not love the First nor the Second Children, and they had the most flaws and imperfections, and were not noble nor filled with beauty.
So He sat the First Children by the Water, and the Second Children to the North of his City- overlooking the land, and the Third Children in the south of the City, and He went to Mánderré and sought her counsel before bidding them wake. So she saw them, and upon them she granted the gift of speech. But their speech would not be always song, nor would they speak with the same tongue of Mánderré and Danya, but use their own speech, though the First Children were granted knowledge of their tongue, the Second and Third Children were not. And upon all the First Children was granted the gift of song, but only to some was it given to the Second and Third Children, so that their speech and their voices would not always be beautiful.
The first great sorrow came to Danya when Edrígu took all the people under his wing and convinced them to walk South with him. Those First Children who wished to remain in the North and be granted places within Danya’s domain were able to do so, but they would not be remembered save for what is written of their creation.
So Edrígu and Tasya and the other 21 First Children (as well as all the Second and Third Children) departed for the South- boarding boats and sailing out across the black expanses of Mánderré- the eyes of Edrígu lighting their way; especially as Danya retreated behind the Northern Mountain to weep; leaving no light by which they should see. The other First Children remained at His side, but they felt sorrow that they had not felt before and for many days stood on the shore where their first flame had been created, and watched and waited for the ship to return- some singing in what they knew of the ancient Mornütúlíaë- the tongues of Danya and Mánderré that they might summon back Edrígu or the whales, or send some message to Mánderré. Much counsel was held meanwhile between Danya, Mánderré and Vanÿír, and finally it was Vanÿír who intervened, and he took to the sky and found the fleet of Edrígu without the aid of Mánderré and he landed on the deck and called for Edrígu.
“Lord!” he cried, “Who is mighty and fashioned in the way of Írdríchís; Come before me that we may speak, for it is not anger that has brought me here, but concern!” And so Edrígu came upon the deck and looked to Vanÿír, and Vanÿír could see his spirit and so bowed before him, for now he knew him as a mighty lord, and Lord below Danya of the Maylíanorréstya.
“Edrígu- I had come to ask what folly drove you to depart from those havened shores and call upon the wrath and anger of Danya and Mánderré, but I see now that it is not folly nor ignorance that drives you, but desire for knowledge and curiosity and the wish to learn what lies beyond the sheltered abode that Danya had created for you. I bring news then that Danya’s love does not falter, but He weeps for many hours and then speaks only to Mánderré, whose birth was before mine, so I do not understand their speech as you have been given the gift of understanding- I have been given the gift of understanding the Vanÿírya. Often I fear that He means to depart into her realm and, weakened as he is from the sorrow of your departure, and the sorrow of the other Maylíanorréstya , the world would be plunged into darkness as he should not weather those deep places where Mánderré’s song would take Him, and she would take Him, for she loves Him beyond our reckoning, and it was because of she that He left her domain many long years ere He again seeks its comfort, many long years ago that he sought to create you; the Maylíanorréstya He left her and her sweet songs and while creating you He thought to return, and she would take Him and keep Him, and he would remain with her for he knows no joy here without for, for you are his perfection, Edrígu, and even the songs of those Maylíanorréstya cannot soothe him.
“I have come to you for counsel, Lord, as Danya’s strength is fading at your departure, and I greatly fear that even His will shall not be strong enough to bring Him through, for in His heart you have abandoned Him, and His flame is dimming even as we speak.”
For a long time, Edrígu was silent at these tidings, and then finally he looked to Vanÿír and smiled.
“My Lord shall always be my master and creator, but I shall not shift my course or return to the Northern Lands. Any time He seeks me, He shall find me and be welcome in my realm and there He may find peace and love, and He shall be free to stay as long as He desires, and He may eat of our fruits and walk through our gardens, and eternally shall I and the other First-Children share in his love, and long may the Drukskyaísírréa who were third born of His image share in His love, and longer still shall the Maylíanorré share in His love, but for us is there is no cause for weeping. Into a new realm our ship shall pass; but it is a realm created still by Danya, as all realms were created from His hand and His fire, and long may we toil, and long may we stay in the new realm, and away from the breast of Danya may we sit, but still we are His children and created of His flame, and allied to Him eternally. He has not reason to depart with Mánderré- whose waters are sweet, and her songs sweeter and her love for Danya extends even beyond the love that the Maylíanorréstya feel for Him, for we live still, and we grow through His teachings and aid, if He would offer them even now when we have departed from His shores and must seem ungrateful for the gift of Life that He has given unto us. But understand, Lord Danya, that we are not ungrateful and seek only freedom and independence and always we love You, and always we praise You as our Lord, and under Your hand I request to be given stead of these people who accompany me in our journey that I can protect them against hatred and jealousy as we will no longer have the protection that You had granted us, but I ask still that you watch us and aid us when we stumble, for we are not wise as you are, and cannot know the right ways of the world until we have lived it on our own…”
All throughout this time when Edrígu had been speaking, a light had been growing in his heart and his vision had cleared and the world brightened before his eyes only, and he knew Danya was watching overhead.
“Edrígu,” he said, descending onto the boat and causing everyone assembled to shield their eyes from His light, “I have given a gift unto you that you shall rule over your people as I have ruled over you; and that you grant them good fortune and keep them safe and that you life in peace and happiness for all times, and that love shall be shared… Should one Marlíanorréstya kill another- be it First, Second or Third Children, then he should be doom to live outside my realm and should never abide with me as has been promised before. Peace must rein supreme over this new Kingdom and by peace only shall you rule, and by peace only shall the people live, peace, and with all the good virtues that I have installed upon the Maylíanorréstya, for they were the First of my Children and made the most perfect in my image.” and so Danya spoke to Edrígu and in the other First Children he planted a seed- a gift of magic and eternal life in his domain. And so it was that Edrígu would not see Danya again, save for at the Latest Hour, but we shall come to his Transformation in due time.

So it was that the Greet Fleet landed on the North Lands and began to build their empire. Slowly the magics of the minor deities began to flourish and under Edrígu’s care and protection they began to explore their new powers. Edrígu kept those most important to him close at his side, and though they were all equal, the gift of victory in war was not needed when there was no war. So, at Edrígu’s side stood Duscha and Mikhail- hand in hand, for they were his counsellors and messengers between he and the people of his realm. Beside the Messengers stood Galina and Feliks, who were sister and brother. Galina was equal in intelligence to Edrígu and called often to counsels, and Feliks carried with him good luck and intuition. Beside them stood Jasha and Mika, who had the gift of fair judgement. Then Alexa and Sasha who were married, and carried the gift of protection. Devira (good work/good harvest) and Illya (good crops and weather) stood beside them, and Eveline (fertility) and Cheslav (a good home), and beside them stood Yelena and Fadeya for bravery. The others followed, though the positions often changed, depending on the state of the Empire
So it was that Edrígu’s Kingdom functioned. Often he walked throughout the woods and he and Tasya opened the flowers or cooled the streams, lit the lanterns hanging in the trees or brought corn and sugar to their people, and blessed them and kissed the foreheads of the sick so they were no longer sick and where-ever they went they spread their love until no one felt poverty or sickness and (though the darkness hung still overhead) Edrígu lit the world with his eyes and Danya remained above and cast light on the green pastures, and though He was still saddened to see Edrígu without Him, He was glad that His children prospered. A shadow had appeared in His heart though, and Edrígu felt this and it concerned him and although all his people were well and happy, he thought them displeased. So, for them he created valleys and song and language, and spring rain, and yet still there was some discontentment and this came from the Drukskyaísírréa, who felt much unloved compared to the Maylíanorréstya and the Maylíanorré- upon whom Edrígu had spent much energy and light.
So it came to pass that no one saw the uprising of Dimirta- a being not entirely of the Second Children, nor entirely of the Third, but made from the same flame as Tasya- thus making her Tasya’s sister. Jealousy blinded Dimirta- something that had not yet been seen in Edrígu’s realm, and it was this jealousy from one so closely related to the First Children that caused such unrest. In her rage, Dimirta came to Edrígu and Tasya and observed how they were so loved and how they would not die but live on and on and finally leave to rest with Danya.
So Dimirta took up a bow and arrow (one fashioned by Illya’s own hand) and fired this at Tasya. By the banks of a great river and in the shadow of the great mountain- on which Edrígu’s throne was held, Tasya gasped and then fell limp against Edrígu and Edrígu wept. His tears were droplets of light and wherever they fell, new shoots of grass and flowers grew. Pulling Tasya close against himself, he wept until he felt rage (and this too was something unknown in his Kingdom, and briefly only did he think of the conditions to which Danya had given him Kingship, for here before him lay his wife- the arrow protruding from her chest and tears the colour of pearls in her closed eyes). Danya was saddened also, for he could see these events unfolding but he could not intervene, for even Mánderré counseled him to remain and promised that good things would come at the end. So it was that Edrígu dropped Tasya and strode to Dimirta- not realizing that Tasya was waking from the life in his tears. He took Dimirta and looked in her eyes, and then he let out his rage in an explosion of light from his eyes and blinded Dimirta and turned her white and into a spirit of hatred and jealousy. Now he turned back to Tasya and saw she had awoken and moved to kiss her- for she was more beautiful than ever he had seen her; glowing with a pale light that came from his tears, and the shade of life-renewed was in her cheers, but he could not kiss her, for she was taken into the sky by Danya.
Unto Edrígu He spoke; “From my own hands I created you, but this thing you have done to one less than yourself,” and He of course meant Dimirta, “for that you shall be sent to circle the world and provide a light, but never shall you see my domain, and never shall you see the darkness.” And Edrígu wept, for he was much inlove with the darkness and his people, and Tasya, and Tasya reached out to Danya and begged him allow her to remain with Edrígu- that she would sacrifice her own life renewed to be with him.
Danya thought for some time, but as Hhe had thought much on love, and was indeed puzzled and inspired by it, He agreed that oftentimes Edrígu as the sun could cross the world with Tasya at his side as the moon.
So Danya took Tasya above the world to await the first sunset, and Edrígu, weeping still, took to the sky and his place as the sun.
He had not been given time to tell his people that he had been called away, and faced with this new light from the sky, they were much afraid and for much of the First Day they hid away inside. Edrígu (looking down and seeing this) thought that Danya had stolen his followers back to the far north (for he could not speak with him nor Tasya) and so was much angered, and cast red light over the world as he sank in the sky. Now the people emerged and saw the red and thought that Danya had stolen Edrígu and killed him and, driven by his anger (for they felt it radiating from him), they took up bows and arrows and fired these into the black blanket behind which hid Tasya and Danya, and through holes that the arrows created spilled Danya’s light, and these would become known as stars. Tasya raced out and bade them stop, and they were enchanted by her light and stopped sending arrows to the sky. It was Duscha and Mikhail who finally climbed upon Vanÿír and he took them to speak to Tasya, and she told them all that had happened.
As Edrígu were not forbade from speaking to one another or their people through the messengers, long they conversed together, but there was nothing that could be done, and they were forced to retain their forms. For a long time the people were fearful of Edrígu’s light (for now he burned almost as strongly as Danya), but Edrígu used his light as he had before and made things grow and live, and no longer did they fear the day but rejoiced in its light, and rejoiced also in the cool light of Tasya, and everyone was well and glad, and even Danya was often glad, for in the light of Edrígu His world blossomed and His children knew little sadness for many years.


Graphics and layout designed and copyrighted © 2004 Yelitza M. Velez of ymvdesigns.com.

Graphics created from scratch using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, personal photographs and some brushes created by nice people. If you wish to know which brushes I used specifically, feel free to send a nice e-mail my way.

---> Layout obtained from Appassionato

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